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"Btw, hyung, do you still want to teach me how to dance?", Jisung asked his friend without breaking the eye contact.

"Of course, I would do anything for you, my darling!", Minho answered and came closer to Jis face.

"Oh, jagi, don't be so obvious! Our secret could be revealed!", the younger flirted back.

"Damn, you're cute! I'm your official shipper now! #Minsung! You even have matching outfits!", Hyunjin declaimed.

The friends laughed and started cleaning the café of the whole mess that was made yesterday.

"Well I gotta go now, see you guys!", Jisung headed to the exit of the café.

"Wait, aren't you forgetting anything, Jagi?", Minho pointed to his pouted lips.

Ji turned around and looked at his friend with a concerned face: "Nah,  I don't think so.", and then he laughed.

"Hmm", the older frowned and then laughed too. "Ok, bye! See you later!"

"I'm hoomee!", Jisung shouted when he arrived at his grandmas house. Nobody was answering, so the boy went to his room.
"Ah, Lixie! What're you doing, texting with your boy again?"

"Oh hey Sung! No~, he hasn't answered me since two days! I'm starting to worry.", Felix looked sad at his phone.

"Did you try to call him?", Ji suggested.

"No I haven't, maybe he's busy."

"Well, you're only gonna find out, if you call him."

"Ok then.", Felix searched his boyfriends phone number and called him.

... This number isn't available at the moment, please talk after the beep ....

"Hmm, that's weird.", Jisung frowned.

"I just hope that he's alright."

"Yeah, he's probably busy, as you said."

*massage from Jagi<3*

Jagi <3

What's up hyung?

Do you have time today?

It depends on why you're asking

You wanted me to teach you how to dance right?

Yeahh of courseee
I always have time for you ;)

Come to the coffee shop at 7 pm.

Ai ai sir!

And don't be late!

"Hey, is it okay, if I meet Minho hyung this afternoon?"

"Why shouldn't it be?", Felix smiled.
"You two are spending a lot of time together lately!"

"It isn't as you think. He's gonna teach me how to dance."

"Ouh okay. Why thought?"

"Cause I'm thinking of applying to a company after I finish school."

"Wait what?! Now you're stealing my future plans? Rude!", Felix looked sarcastically pissed. "I thought you didn't want to do that kind of stuff?"

"Well, yeah, but Minho opened my eyes and it might be some fun."

"Ahh, Minho opened your eyes, I see!", the boy
smiled. "You do know that I'm also good at dancing and I could teach you too, right?"

"Yeah, I know, but you could teach me any time in Korea. Now we're here and I have the opportunity, so why not use it?"

"As you wish, I'm just suggesting my help."

"You have to see him dance one day! He's incredible! How can a person move their body so perfectly and controlled?!"

"Woow, you're sounding like you fell in love!"

"Ha-ha! Very funny!"

"I'm just joking!  Or maybe not, I mean, you seriously sound pretty much in love."

"Uuhhh, Felixxx!"

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