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"I don't want you to go!" , Minho mumbled in Jisungs neck.

The rapper went silent for a moment. He was feeling all these emotions. He simply didn't know what to say.

"Oh, I'm sorry for making this akward. Just forget about what I said.", the dancer broke the hug and facepalmed himself in his thoughts.

"No~, it alright! I was just trying to understand what you meant by that exactly."

Jisung was right, this sentence could be meant differently. Was Minho talking about not wanting him to leave tonight or not wanting him to leave Tiomon Island at all?

"I-, do you know what, let's forget about that and continue dancing!", Minho was also not really sure what he meant.

In the next two hours Jisung learned a choreography Minho made. After their intense moment both tried to stay concentrated and not get distracted by each other's tension.


Hyunjin was just having a walk by himself when he saw a familiar person sitting on the beach, all crunched up into their knees.

"Felix? You alright?", Jinnie went up to his friend and stroked him on the back.

"Huh?", Felix sniffed and looked up.
"Oh, yeah, I'm alright.", he smiled through his tears.

"Are you kidding me? You're obviously not alright! Where's Jisung?"

"He *sob* is with Minho."

"And he let you alone like this?!"

"No~, he doesn't know. And I don't want to call him and interrupt anything."

"Unbelievable, you're such a sweet person!", Hyunjin couldn't bare seeing Felix crying like this anymore, so he hugged his friend tightly.
"Do you want to talk about it?"

*sob* *sob*

"Well *sob* I *sob* just broke up with my boyfriend."

"WHAT?! What happened?", Hyunjin looked completely shocked because he did not expect Felix to say that. Maybe that his boyfriend broke up with him, because he cried, but not the other way around.

"H-he told me th-that he ch-ch-cheated on me!", the blond boy let all his tears out and buried his face into his friends neck.

"Omg, Lixie, I am so sorry! Ugh, how can someone cheat on an angel like you?! This bastard! He should be happy to be with you! If I was on his place, I would never ever have eyes for someone else! This is ridiculous! How could  he-"

"That's enough.", Felix sighed with teary eyes. "It is true that he hurt me, but I still loved him and I don't want to speak badly about him.", he came up from the hug and looked down on his knees without crying that much as before.

"Do you see what I mean?! You're such a wonderful person! How can I help you to get better?"

"I appreciate you being here a lot! Thank you very much!"

"Of course, I'm here! You should've called me right away, I'm always gonna come and help you, no matter what, when and how!", Felix teared up again because of the touching words Hyunjin said. "You're always such a good friend, you deserve the world!", Lix chuckled.

"Now, let's cheer you up! You can't stay here and cry all night! That's not healthy, so we're gonna do something fun! We're going to get drunk!"

"Cause that's much healthier!", Felix said with sarcasm while smiling a little.

"Tss, whatever!", Hyunjin waved his hand, took his friend by his arm and pulled him to a beach bar.

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