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"Good Morning sleepy heads!", Hyunjin threw a pillow on Jisung's and Felix' faces, so they would wake up.

"What?", Jisung spoke out with half open eyes and a raspy voice.
"Ugh Hyunjin what are you doing here", he closed his eyes and put the pillow over his head.

"Aren't you two cute when you sleep! Look at them, adorable! Don't you think hyung?"

"Wait what?", the rapper shot his eyes open "Minho you're here too!", he stared at his friend blankly blinking a few times.

"Yeah right, thanks for the information, now get your cute ass up and come to the kitchen!", Minho tried to resist from smiling but he failed.

"Yeah, both of you! Guys it's your last day here, we're not allowed to miss one second so come on~!", Hyunjin added.

"Okay okay, now get out, we're gonna get dressed!", Jisung said with a tomato red face.

"Are you going to keep in touch with Minho? Your relationship is very cute, I would be very sad to give that up on your place.", Felix asked his best friend as the others closed the door behind them.

"Ugh, don't mention that! Of course I'm very sad, I hope this vacation will never end! I don't want to say goodbye to him!"

"Well in three years you could meet in Korea, that would be so cool!"

"Yeah true. I don't know or maybe destiny is not on our side and wants to separate us. I just know that I won't forget him."

"What is taking so long?!", Minho opened the door without knocking, seeing Felix already dressed but Jisung standing there half naked.
"Oh sorry!", he closed the door right away.

The two friends in the room started laughing their lungs out.

"I bet that was intentional!", Felix laughed out loud.

"Maybe hahah."


"Okay so I planed the whole day through so that we use our time profitable! You have now 15 minutes to have your breakfast, then at 9:30 we are going water-skiing, at 12:00 we are-", Hyunjin took out a paper and read out his plans while everyone was sitting on the table in the kitchen.

"Or", Jisung interrupted his friend with stuffed cheeks "we could just go to the beach, relax and enjoy our last day together."

"I like that plan!", Minho agreed.


"Come on babe, we don't need that many activities to have fun. But thank you very much for your effort, we very grateful!", Felix put his arm around his boyfriend's shoulder to comfort him.

"Alright alright, you lazy slobs!"

The boys finished their breakfast and headed out to their favourite place.

On the walk there the four of them were walking in pairs but not the usual ones.

"So are you gonna miss us?", Felix smirked and teased the oldest of their little group.

"No of course not, you're both very annoying.", Minho said with a serious expression.

"Wait, seriously?", the younger's smile dropped.

"Haha no, that was just a joke!", the dancer smiled at the freckled boy who looked very shocked and upset.

"Oh puh okay!", he grinned again.
"Who are you gonna miss more, me or Sungie?"

"...", Minho glanced just for a second at his friend and then looked away again without saying anything. "Umm"

"You don't need to answer this one, I know it already! It's obviously...me!"

"Ah haha yeah.", the older sighed out of relief. Of course Felix wasn't that dumb he just didn't want to make his friend uncomfortable.

"I'm going to miss you both, it was a pleasure to meet you two!", he continued.

"Me too, especially, I don't wanna leave the beach! Ugh, and soon I have to go to school again, it's gonna be so stressful!", Felix whined.

"I believe you but you can do it, it's just one year and you're free! For me it's three haha."

"Haha yeah, but you can do it too, I believe in you! And thank you hyung for everything! I just wanted to say that if you're upset or something, you can always contact me and call me!"

"I appreciate that! You too of course haha."

"Ah bro~ it's gonna be very boring without you! Now I have to be hanging out with my cousin again, alone! And you know how boring he is, please don't leave!", Hyunjin whined.

"Haha come on, he's not that bad! He can be actually really cool if you listen to him.", Jisung answered.

"Oh no I can't listen to his stories anymore, he's always talking about the same thing!"

"And what exactly?"


"What?", you could hear Jisung's confusion.

"He's always talking about you! And Korea but I got used to that."

"Hey but I'm not a thing!", Jisung acted as if he was crying.

"Yeah yeah that's what I meant.  You know what, I don't wanna think about that now, let's enjoy the remaining time you're here! I'll miss you so much!", Hyunjin went to hug his friend.

"I will miss you too Hyunnie! I hope we'll see each other again soon!"

"I swear if we loose contact imma beat you!"

"Haha let's hope that'll never happen!"

The friends got on the beach and spent all day just sunbathing and talking until late at night.

Summer vacation| minsungWhere stories live. Discover now