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Minho was sitting on his bed while holding a pink envelope. It was two weeks after Jisung and Felix left but he still couldn't make himself to open it.

"Dude, open it already! You're staring at it for days! What's your problem?", Hyunjin walked in his cousin's room.

"Leave me alone Hyunjin.", Minho muttered while rolling his eyes.

"Why are you so anxious about it? It's probably only a goodbye letter, nothing special."

"Go away."

"If you don't open it I will!", the younger grabbed the letter out of Minho's hands and tried to run away with it.

"Yah are you crazy?! Give it to me!", Minho stood up and chased after his cousin.

"Okay okay, I will give it to you.", Hyunjin handed the letter to Minho.
"Under one condition!", he took it back.

"What is it?", Minho spoke out annoyed.

"You open it right now!"

"Ugh yeah alright, now give it to me!", Minho took the letter and went back into his room.

He was now at the same position he was before: sitting on his bed and staring at it.

Okay Lee Know, it's gonna be alright! Why am I so anxious? Ugh fuck it!

He finally made himself to open it.

He took out the paper, looked at it for a few seconds and then started reading.

[turn on the song now]

Hey jagiya~,

remember us calling each other like that? Ah funny times. I actually don't really know what I want to tell you but I guess I'm just letting my thoughts out on this paper.

Let's start with the first time I saw you. I don't know if you know but me and Felix actually saw you sitting on the beach reading while we were walking home from the airport. He saw you first though XD. I was seriously very amazed that you were studying in the vacation. Since then I always thought of you as a person who is really smart and hard working. And you are. I hope you never stop fighting for your dreams!

The first time we actually talked was a little awkward at the beginning but you let me feel very comfortable right away even though I'm younger than you. You gave me the idea what to do with my life after school and you showed me that I can start something with rapping and producing. Because of you I now want to work hard and make a living with my music. I want people to hear it and maybe somebody even relates to it.

You taught me how to dance! That's a big deal because as you know I'm not the easiest person to teach. But you're the best teacher seriously, thank you so much for that!

Even though you haven't heard any of my music yet you believed in me and told me that I can achieve everything I want. I can't even tell you how great full I am for you.

You're my idol. I hope we see each other in the showbiz ;) ! I miss you already! Have a good life hyung and saranghae!

I'll be waiting for you in Korea!
Oh and don't you dare forget about me ;)

"Hah if you think I'm able to then you're very wrong Hannie.", Minho smiled while tears were running down his face.

"How is he so kind and lovable?! And all I gave to him was a single hoodie. Ugh I'm so dumb! Why am I like this?!", Minho put his fists to his head.

"The next time I see him I will write a whole ass song to him! Okay no, that's going too far, I can't even write songs, what am I talking about?!", the dancer muttered to himself.

"I will work hard Hannie so that we can see each other soon! I should go to bed now it's very late and I have to work as a whole head of the company tomorrow."

5 years later

"And this is our new member Lee Minho! He's the last to join but I really want him to be with us!", Bang Chan, the leader and founder of the trainee group Stray kids introduced the young male.

To be continued

That was my story :D I really hope you enjoyed it! Well first things first, yes there is going to be another part and yes you can imagine what it will be about ^^

I will update you guys when I start writing the second part.

But for now that was it, I'm Geri by the way ;)

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