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Jisung was about to go away but someone grabbed him on his wrist. He turned around and looked straight in Minho's eyes.

The boys stood there for a few seconds until Minho broke the eye contact.

"Khhm. That was weird.", Minho fake-coughed.

Jisung just laughed nervously: "Yeah, for a moment I thought I'm in a kdrama haha."

"Anyways, you wanted to see me dance right? Do you..want to do it now?", Minho asked while scratching the back of his head.

"Now?", Ji chuckled in disbelieve.

"Yeah, but I guess if you have to go back home, I don't want to bother you."

"Stop saying that, you're not bothering me! Ok, imma text Felix real quick and then I want to see what you got.", Jisung pulled out his phone.

"Wait, I'm not gonna dance here?!"

"Then where? Nobody's gonna see you anyway, here's literally no one."

"Still, you'll have to come to my dance room."

"You have a dance room?!", Jisung looked at his friend with big eyes.

"Yeah, where do you think I dance all the time? In my tiny ass room?!", Minho laughed.

"Well I haven't been to your room yet!", Jisung also laughed.

"Come on, lets go!", Minho said, grabbed Jisungs wrist and pulled him to his house.

"Wait, not so fast! My legs are hurting, we were walking all day!", Jisung whined.

Minho stopped, looked back and asked: "Do you want me to carry you?"

Jisungs eyes widened: "Yes omg, I'm almost passing out!", he jumped at Minho's back.

"That was a joke but okay, I guess I'll carry you.", Minho rolled his eyes.

Jisung was really happy at that moment and couldn't stop smiling because he was being carried and he didn't have to walk by himself.

The boys got to the café but this time Minho led Jisung through a different door. It was the back door of his house.

"This way.", he whispered.

They were really quiet because Minhos parents were already asleep and they didn't want to wake them.

After they got into the house, Minho and Jisung walked through a narrow hallway that eventually led to two stairs. One was going up, the other one down. They went downstairs, through another door and they arrived at Minhos practice room.

Minho turned on the lights. Jisungs eyes widened once more.

"Woww, that's so cool! It's so big and the mirrors I-"

"Haha, you're cute.", Minho said without really thinking about it while he was smiling.

"Oh-", Jisung needed a second to process.
"Aw, I know that!", he then said.

Minhos smile turned to a nervous one after he realised what he said. But then he just decided to ignore it.

"So, what song do you want me to dance to?", Minho asked.

"Hmm, do you know 'red lights' by Hyunjin and Chan?", Jisung answered.
[Yes I went there XD. Just pretend it's a different Hyunjin.]

"Oh okay."

Minho turned on the song and started dancing with his whole soul as if Jisung wasn't there.

"I cannot breeeaathe, without you being right by my side.."

While Minho was dancing Jisung couldn't look away. His friend was better than he could imagine.

"Shh, aljanha neol gamanhi dul su eopsneun geol..."

"Woaahh!", Jisung almost screamed because of Minhos dancing skills.

Minho ended his performance and looked right at Jisung who almost couldn't breathe.

"So, what do you think?", Minho asked with a smile because he was too amused by Jisungs reaction.

"I-I..I might have just died.", he answered while breathing heavily.

"Haha, come one, don't exaggerate it."

"I don't, seriously, I mean, I believed you when you said you're good at dancing but I didn't expect that good!"
Minho chuckled.

"Hyung, you have to go to a company!"

"Yeah alright, now let's see what you got.", Minho didn't like to be complimented so he changed the subject.
"Wait what?"

Summer vacation| minsungWhere stories live. Discover now