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Jisung woke up with a really bad headache. He opened his eyes slowly not immediately knowing where he is. After a couple of seconds, he realised that his hyung, Minho, was totally cuddled into Jis neck, almost with his whole body on him.

The younger couldn't do anything else but smile. He then hugged his hyung even tighter and closed his eyes again to rest a little more.

What Jisung didn't know was that Minho was already up, but he didn't want to change his position. So he also tightened the hug.

"Hyung, are you awake?", Ji asked quietly and confused.

"No.", Minho answered with his raspy morning-voice.

"Ah, come on, I want to have breakfast, I'm hungry!", Jisung tried to somehow push his friend away, so he could stand up.

But Minho was stronger than him, so he stayed in bed.

After a little wrestling, Minho gave in and let the younger go.

"Can i borrow a hoodie of yours?"

"Yeah take what you want!"

"Oh, you have this twice?"

"Yeah it's very comfortable, but they're in different colours."

"Im not blind! Let's both put these on!", Jisung handed the one hoodie to Minho, so they could have matching outfits.

The two friends finally went downstairs to the kitchen to have their breakfast.

"Aren't you gonna eat something?", Jisung asked.

"No, I'm still full from yesterday.", Minho answered.

A few minutes later Hyunjin came downstairs too.

"Good Morning!", Jisung said with a happy voice.

"Pshht! Not that loud! I'm almost dying here!", Hyunjin frowned and touched his head.

"Hangover?", Minho smirked.

"Yeah, I don't remember anything that happened yesterday!", Hyunnie laughed.

"Seriously nothing?", Jisungs face turned serious.

"The last thing I remember is talking with you two and the girls on our table and that's it."

"Oh, okay.", Ji answered.


"Nah, I'm just asking."
In that moment Minho looked at Jisung with a questioning face.

Hyunjin saw the look but he was too tired to think about it more.

"Why are you here though? Aren't you supposed to be at Miras place?", Hyunjin teased his friend.

"No, that's probably never gonna happen.", Jisung said quietly actually talking to himself.

"Why, I thought you two had something?"

"Doesn't matter, let's eat now!", Ji tired to change the subject.

"Btw, did I do something weird or embarrassing yesterday? I seriously can't remember anything.", Hyunjin asked.

Minho and Jisung looked at each other, questioning what they could answer.

"Well, you know...I... kissedyouinfrontofeverybody.", Jisung first stuttered and then he almost rapped at the end.

"You did WHAT?!", Hyunjin spew out the water he was just drinking.

"I'm really really sorry, butyouconfessedtomeandMirawasjustusingmesoItooktheopportunityandkissedyouinfrontofher.", Ji looked down embarrassed.

Minho was just sitting, eating his breakfast and listening to everything.

"Wait, I did WHAT?!"

"Y-you confessed to me, that you liked me."

"...ehh..haha..uhm.. I'm sorry for causing all this trouble, but I don't really have a crush on you. I was just too drunk and probably upset, cause Felix is taken. So again I'm sorry, I didn't meant to do this!", Hyunjin nervously laughed and explained.

"Puh, that's a relief!", Jisung exclaimed.

"Wait, why would you be upset by Felix being taken?", Minho interfered in the conversation.

"I-I guess because I like him."

"Wow what?"

"Well that's a good plot of the story!", Minho chuckled.

"I'm really sorry Jisung for hurting or using you!"

"No, wait, why should you apologise?! I'm the one who kissed you! I'm really sorry!"

"Did you like it at least?", Hyunjin chuckled.

"Haha, well, I'm not in love with you, so I didn't really feel the spark, you know, sorry for that!" Jisung laughed.

"Oh, I can make you feel the spark!", Minho interfered again with a teasing face.

"I'm sure about that!", Ji went along with the sarcasm and looked Minho deep in the eyes.

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