Chapter 9

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I grabbed Zayn's hand in mine without even thinking about it. We went back to where the party stood yesterday. I don't know who the fuck they engaged to clean everything up, but they're good. I mean, you couldn't even think that just a few hours ago, there was a bunch of teenagers totally wasted partying here.

We entered the Playhouse and I instantly walked up to the Mississippi table. I smiled at Zayn, who only looked up to the sky.

"Ready ot lose once again ?" I asked while throwing him half of the rings.

"No, I'm gonna beat you this time." I only laughed at his words and started the game. Every time he was missing his shot, I was giving him some short of fake encouragement. At some point, he even stopped trying to find excuses. I was clearly beating the shit out of him but he didn't seemed to care.

Right after throwing my last shot - the one who gave me the victory - I looked up to see his face. And, I don't fucking know why, I thought about how fucking cute he looked. He wasn't giving me the same impression as the other boys. He looked sweet - maybe too much - and had a lot going on. Yet, he was smiling, a small smile that was making his eyes shine.

"Alexis ?" He asked, throwing me out of my thoughts. 

"Oh. yeah." I mumbled, before shaking slightly my head to fall back into reality. "Told ya I was going to beat you." His smile only grew bigger, just a bit. I laughed at myself for all that traveled through my mind in the last minutes. It wasn't like me to think that way.

I jumped a bit, just enough to be able to sit on the Mississippi table. Zayn made a few steps to be standing right in front of me. He put his hands in his pocket and, that way, he looked even more shy than before.

"So, how old are you ? Eighteen ?" Hell, he looked nothing like eighteen. He looked way younger, especially while standing that way. 

"I'm fifteen." Oh god, I knew he was younger. Yet, I was still somehow wishing for him to just have some puberty or hormonal problems. Guess not.

"You ?" He asked, as if he was unsure of it being a good idea or not. I just laughed at his cuteness and... Wait, did I really thought about him being cute again ? Guess so.

"Seventeen, I'm looking old right now, don't you think ?" He shook his head no and I laughed once again. Some people started to fill the room, teenagers just waking up and wondering what the fuck to do with their lives. Clearly not people I wanted around me today. Why ? Because my crew is usually part of them. So I jumped of the table and began to exit the Playhouse, making a sign to Zayn to follow me.

"Where are we going ?" He asked when he joined me. I shrugged.

"I don't know !" I looked at him, he was smiling. God, that kid was so innocent and cute. "I've got an idea !" I exclaimed, making him stop in his track. Okay, I know that quite often my ideas aren't pretty bright, but he's not supposed to know me enough to be scared when I say something like that ! I grabbed his arm and made him follow me, once again.

"Let's stop by the grocery store, then we'll go somewhere so nice you won't believe it can be real !"

"Should I be scared ?" He asked and I glanced over him.

"For sure !" I laughed and he joined me, as we were approaching the entrance of the camping. That's the place were most of the useful things are. Groceries, The Shack, laundries, pool... Name it. I entered the store first, Zayn holding the door for me.

I grabbed a cart and, as we were walking down the aisle, I couldn't stop babbling. I usually wasn't one for talking but, don't fucking ask me why, he was making me chat about the most random things ever. Some words about the way I hate pink while adding bread to the cart, some others about y old diabetic dog while grabbing the cheese. I even told him that I usually wasn't the one to do the groceries, that my Mom was but that she wasn't there fot the week so I needed to shop them by myself if I didn't wanted to die from starvation. 

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