Chapter 67

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Y/N's POV:
It's the night before our wedding Lizzie and I are staying in separate rooms at the hotel but I wanted to do something special. I find some small stones outside her window and do the cliche throwing them at her window.
"What are you doing Y/L/N?" She asks confused.
"Spending my last night of freedom with the woman I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. Come on let's go for a walk," I request. She nods smiling excitedly within a few minutes she comes rushing out tackling me in a hug.
"You're crazy but I love you," She laughs taking my hand.
"I love you too. These grounds are beautiful let's go and explore," I encourage her.

We stroll for a while and I can tell Lizzie had something on her mind.
"Come on Olsen we're going to be married tomorrow I think you can ask me anything by now," I assure her kissing her cheek.
"Was this always your plan? To whisk me off in the evening?" Lizzie inquires.
"Oh definitely. You know me Olsen I can't survive an evening without you in it. And you know I've never been one for following the rules," I smirk squeezing her hand gently.
"Are we going anywhere in particular?" Lizzie asks.
"You'll see. Patience Miss Olsen. It'll be worth the wait trust me."
"You're using all your chances to call me Olsen aren't you because tomorrow you'll be calling me Y/L/N," she teases.
"Oh definitely. Once that ring is on your finger I will refer to you as one of these things: my wife, Y/L/N, Lizzie, my love, my home and my person," I inform her.
"It's a good thing I like all of those then," she giggles. That laugh still hooks me every single time.
"It is indeed. We're nearly there."

I take her to a table in the middle of the forest surrounded by trees with lights through them. There's a bucket of ice with champagne in the middle and two glasses. I pour us both a drink offering her a glass.
"Is this really how you want to spend your last night of freedom Y/N? With me?" Lizzie checks.
"That's a bullshit phrase. If you consider the night before a wedding freedom then clearly you aren't committed in the first place. I would've had the wedding the day we got engaged if it wouldn't have hurt all our family or friends to not be there. I've wanted to be married to you since the moment we said I love you for the first time. I love you Lizzie. This is how I want to spend the rest of my life, by your side, so why not start this evening," I explain truthfully.
"I love you so much Y/N Y/L/N," she whispers tearfully sitting on my lap. I wipe her tears kissing her gently.
"Ok what's the first thing you want to do when we're married?" I ask. She just smirks biting her lip.
"You're such a perv Olsen. Mine was going to be dance with you. Jeez you're such a bad influence," I tease her making her blush.
"I know you better than that. What's the main reason you dragged me all the way out here?" Lizzie reasons.
"It's an early wedding present. Throughout our time together I've written a lot of words and song lyrics. It's basically a record of our time together. I want you to have it. A new chapter in our lives warrants a new lyric book, a new tone to my music. This is yours now. Every time you question how much I love you or you miss me or you're bored at work give it a read. Whatever you need it for I hope it brings you comfort," I explain handing her the book. This was pretty much every thought and feeling I had since the moment we met that I felt was worth writing down. Lizzie asks me to talk through how I was feeling in each moment so she could remember. That's how we spent the evening studying the book reliving our memories being completely content in each other's arms.

When we were completely exhausted we headed back to the hotel. I walk Lizzie to her room and just smile brightly.
"I hope you enjoyed our little adventure Olsen," I whisper kissing her gently.
"I really did. There's no way I'd have rather spent this evening. Try to get some sleep please," she requests.
"I'll try my best. And you do the same my love. I'll see you down the aisle. Don't be late," I laugh.
"Trust me I've been waiting for this since forever. I'll be early," she assures me kissing me goodnight.
"Goodnight Olsen. I love you so much."
"Goodnight Y/L/N. I love you the most."

I climbed into bed content with how I spent the eve of the wedding with the woman I love and who I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. Surprisingly it doesn't take me long to drift off to sleep where I'm met with dreams of how and when we met as usual. Lizzie always brought me comfort during times of stress whether that's in reality or my dreams. I'm so lucky to love her and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life doing just that.

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