Chapter 5

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*Skyrena's Pov-

Soon, we were discussing Erabor.  Balin had more to say than anyone.

"So, will our kin help us?"  Thorin swallowed hard and shook his head.

"They think we are insane, and they still don't like..."  He glanced over at me.  Of course, his kin didn't trust me.  They blamed me for the loss of Erabor, King Thror, and Prince Thrain.  Thorin continued.  "Either way, we will manage."  I glanced around as several others started up.

First of all, we numbered to 13 dwarves, 2 shapeshifters, a wizard, and a hobbit.  Nobody seemed to see the odds in our favor.  Also, we had no way in with the exception of the front door.  Even then, our "burglar" wasn't even a buglar.  Finally, it amounted to the quest being simply hopeless just because of the dragon.  I thought for a moment before adding my piece.

"It may not be that hopeless...  After all, I am a shapeshifter.  I'm sure I could find a way to..."  Thorin placed a hand on my shoulder and shook his head at me.

"No, Skyrena..."  Era, who'd been really quiet this whole time raised an eyebrow.

"Why not?  She's stronger than you think.  Besides, I'll be there to help her."  Beside her, Filli and Killi nodded in agreement.  Finally, Filli spoke.

"Besides, how can we guard her if we're running off and leaving the both of them behind?"  Thorin sighed and looked over at Era.

"I will admit that I believe you when you say these things, but I'm not willing to risk the two of you for Erabor.  You both may come along on the journey, but..."  He looked over at me.  "You will not be going into the mountain with us until the dragon is killed."  Era bowed her head and lowered her gaze.

"Very well."  Based on the look in her eye, she already knew that we were going to find a way to help outside of Erabor.  After a while, Bilbo was going over the contract.  In the mean time, I turned to Thorin, lowering my voice to a whisper.

"You seem to have some hidden meaning behind having her near Filli and Killi that way..."  He turned to me and smiled as he responded.

"I'm just taking care of my daughter and heirs...  Did it ever occur to you that she may be stuck here?  What if, even though she is born after this journey, she can't return to her own time?  What then?"  I shrugged.  "If anything, she can still be a princess."  I frowned as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You don't mean..."  He smiled even more and nodded.

"If she's stuck here, I'm thinking I might let one of the lads marry her.  Then, she'll be well cared for until we come to her timing."  My jaw dropped as I looked over at Era, who frowned when she saw the look on my face.

*Era's Pov-

"Are you alright, Era?"  I swallowed hard and glanced over at Killi briefly.

"Yes, I'm fine."  What had Skyrena and Thorin been discussing?  Why did she seem so upset?  I ignored the looks I received from the boys as I stood up and left the room.  Thorin frowned as I passed him.

"Where are you off to?"  I smiled sweetly, trying to keep it from looking forced.

"Just outside for some fresh air...  It's been a fairly long day, you know."  He smiled kindly at me, making me feel as though I was a child again, caught roaming the halls of Erabor or through the forests of Lothloria after my bed time.

"Very well then..."  Before  he could say anything else, Skyrena stood.

"I could use a little air myself...  Mind if I join you?"  Seeing the look in her eyes, I knew she had something to discuss with me in private and smiled at her.

"Not at all, Skyrena."  As soon as we were outside, I caught her before she hit her knees, sobbing.  "What is it, Skyrena?  What's wrong?"  She looked up at me through her teary eyes.

"It's Thorin...  He doesn't believe that you're going to return to you timing after our journey.  He thinks you'll be stuck here forever..."  I sank to my knees and hugged her.

"I understand where he's coming from, but..."  She trembled a little.

"So, if you don't return to your timing after our journey, he plans on having you marry Filli or Killi."  I swallowed hard, trying to figure out what was so upsetting about this until I remembered Haldir and Boromir.

"I'm not quiet sure I would consent to it.  I'd find a way back to my timing..."  Just remembering Haldir and Boromir made me tear up.  "If all goes well, I may have someone else waiting on me when I do return."  She sniffed and nodded.

"I know..."  Taking a deep, shaky breath, she wiped her eyes.  "I remember how, before I was cast out, King Thraudril spoke with me about marrying Legolas."  I swallowed hard as I took in this new information.  Mother never told me that...

"It'll all work out, Skyrena.  I promise..."  She finally calmed down and stood up.

"You're right, Era.  You know how everything's going to turn out, and you're going to change it for the better."  I swallowed hard as I watched her head inside.

As soon as I was alone, I started to think about the Grayhavens.  Maybe it would have been better if I'd stayed there, alone, forever.  Maybe then, I wouldn't mess up everything or risk being stuck here as I watched myself grow up into the young lady I was and get her heart broken and everything else...

"Are you alright, lass?"  I turned and saw Balin coming out the door, heading right towards me.  I nodded as I looked out towards the Shire.

"Yes, of course.  Why wouldn't I be?"  He shrugged as he sat down beside me.

"You've certainly got the boys wound up inside.  Filli blames Killi for you coming out here, Killi blames Filli, and both are fighting over who'd be more effective in figuring out who's to blame and asking you to come back inside."  I smiled a little as I rolled my eyes.

"Does everything have to be a competition with those boys?"  He shrugged.

"Not always.  I think they're just curious about you is all, lassie."  I blushed a little, thankful for the darker night that concealed it.

"I don't see how they would be curious.  I'm nothing special..."  Balin frowned as he responded.

"You sound a lot like Skyrena when you say that...  How'd you happen upon her and Thorin?"  I shrugged.

"Luck, I guess..."  He smiled and nodded as he stood up.

"Feel free to come back in and join us at any time, Era."  With that, he left me alone, outside, with only my thoughts.  As I stood up, I couldn't help but smile.  Even if I was stuck here forever, maybe it would be best to at least get to know the others.

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