Chapter 35

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"She can't hear you, Skyrena...  We found her in the lake, too cold to even lift her head."  Fili lowered his gaze.  "We almost lost her..."  I turned to him and noticed that he was dripping wet as well.

"But, you jumped in and saved her, didn't you...?"  He nodded.  "Thank you."  Before much else could be said, Bard spoke up.

"So, you're really Skyrena of the Woods?  The one from our legends?"  I nodded.  "Why didn't you say so in front of the assembly?"  I hung my head.

"I was afraid that the men of Lake Town would kill me if they knew."  He shook his head.

"Why?  Because you're a shapeshifter?"  He chuckled a little.  "You realize the legends actually make you sound like a hero?  They tell how you saved the women of Dale from an Orc ambush only to be mistaken for a monster."  He removed his coat and wrapped it around Era, who stirred slightly.  "It's an honor to know I got to fight beside a shapeshifter..."  He looked down at Era.  "Who is she?"  Before I could respond, an elf came riding up.

"Legolas...  Your father wishes to see you."  I turned as Legolas asked about Tauriel.  "She has been banished."  She looked like someone had just stabbed her in the back.  Legolas dismissed the elf and turned to us.

"Tauriel, let's go.  We're going to hunt the Orcs."  Bofur helped me into the boat while Fili laid Era down in the boat, and Kili exchanged goodbyes with Tauriel.  I felt Era's forehead and swallowed hard.  She was so cold...  Before I knew what I was doing, I began to mutter in old elvish, and she groaned.

"Wha...?  Who...?"  Fili came running over and looked down into the boat.

"Era...?"  She opened her eyes and looked right at him.

"The dragon...  The fires..."  She looked over at me.  "You fell into the lake..."  I shushed her and brushed her hair back.

"It's alright, Era...  You're safe now."  Soon, Kili was in the boat, and we were sailing towards the mountain.

As we sailed along, I watched the ruins of Lake Town.  Some of the fire still burned, so I drained all the energy from the fire, using it to restore my stash of energy and regain my strength.  Helping Era up, I began to help restore her energy as well as help her warm up.  Fili and Kili sat beside us.

"I'm sorry, Skyrena...  I tried to keep Era in the boat, but, before I knew it, she was gone as soon as we realized you were up there."  I smiled at him and shook my head.

"It's alright, Fili.  You did what you could."  Era finally got up the strength to sit up on her own.

"I couldn't just sit and watch...  I had to do something."  I smiled at her as she looked at me.  "You could have died."  I shook my head.

"But I didn't..."

*Era's Pov-

The rest of the ride was silent as we all watched the mountain loom before us.  I couldn't contain my smile as I looked at the place that had been my first home.  I waited until the men had docked the boat before I followed Skyrena to the gates.  When we finally made it, all was silent.

"Hello?  Thorin?  Balin?  Anyone there?"  Bofur lead the way into the mountain, followed by Fili and Kili, who were still helping Skyrena and I along, and the others.  I listened for the smallest sound.  However, I got more than what I had hoped for.

"Bofur!"  Bilbo came running from one of the halls.  He skidded to a stop when he saw Skyrena.  "Skyrena?!?"  She smiled and attempted a bow.

"Alive and... Well, alive."  Bilbo blinked in disbelief before he spoke.

"Oh my...  We thought you were dead.  Thorin...  He lost it when he saw you go down!"  I swallowed hard as he shook his head.  "Either way, we have to get out of here."  I frowned.

"What do you mean?"  He leaned in and lowered his voice.

"There's something wrong with this place.  It's affecting Thorin.  He's been down there for hours, weeping, but he's been searching the treasury.  He won't eat, and he won't sleep.  Either he's gone mad with grief or..."  I watched as Skyrena pulled away from Fili and Kili, trying not to fall when I took a step back to avoid getting run over.

"I have to get to him..."  With that, she took off.  Ignoring the others' shouts, I stumbled down the halls after her, not quiet sure where I was going.  I came to a stop at a door, trying not to collide with her.  Thorin, dressed in clean, all black clothes, paced through the room.  I started down the stairs, following Skyrena.  I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and watched him for a bit while she slowly approched him.  As if sensing a presence, he spoke in a low, deep voice.

"It has to be here...  We have to find it."  I swallowed hard as Skyrena forced a smile and spoke.

"Thorin...  It's me, Skyrena."  He turned, and I tried not to gasp.  His eyes were bloodshot, covered with a bit of a cloudy look, and he looked ill, just like Bilbo said.  He tilted his head when he saw Skyrena.

"Skyrena?"  He approached her.  He walked in short, jerking motions, like he was dead, but he seemed to have washed away any mud and soot.  He frowned a little.  "I thought you were dead..."  He reached out and took her hand.  Turning it over to examine it, he looked back up at her.  "Is it really you?"  He cupped her chin in his hand as she nodded.

"Yes, Thorin...  It's me."  He looked over her shoulder at me.

"Era...  Is that you?"  I forced a smile, feeling my heart pound in my chest.

"Yes, it is."  He glanced back down at Skyrena before yelling with happyness.  Picking her up, he spun her around.  She laughed as she held onto his shoulders, trying not to fall.  When he finally put her down, I turned and saw the other 12 dwarves and Bilbo watching us.  Thorin approached me and placed a hand on both of our shoulders as he beamed at them.

"Skyrena's alive!"  Those who'd gone with Thorin came over and congraduated Skyrena and I with pats on the back as we exchanged stories.

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