Chapter 27

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All around me, the dwarves spoke in a bored, sad tone.  I knew they were all yearning for Erabor and freedom, both of which seemed so far away.  I thought back to before the war against Sauron and his forces.  I thought about Boromir and Haldir.  What if I was stuck here forever?  I hung my head, thinking it was hopeless.

"Thorin...?"  It was Skyrena, who waited for him to respond.  He sounded as worried as she did and as worried as I was.

"Yeah?"  I swallowed hard, fighting my tears, as she spoke, choking on tears.

"What are we going to do?  Thraudril wants a final answer by tonight.  If you don't consent..."  I knew she didn't have to finish.  We all knew what would happen, and we were all afraid.  Thorin sighed and answered.

"I don't know, Skyrena..."  I jumped at a very familiar voice.

"It's not hopeless, yet."  I looked up and saw Bilbo, smiling at me.  He held up the keys for me to see.  I raced over to the door.  As soon as the door was opened, I hugged the little hobbit.

"Bilbo!  Right in the nick of time!  I knew you wouldn't leave us..."  He blushed a little as I released him.  Around us, the others started to chatter quietly, trying to avoid attracting the guards.  I followed Bilbo down the stairs as he freed the dwarves.  Thorin smiled at Skyrena as he exited his cell.

"What did I tell you?  Everything will work out."  She smiled back and shook her head.

"I didn't doubt you for a second."  He rolled his eyes and shook his head at her.

"Sure you didn't."  He turned back to look at me.  "You okay?"  I nodded.

"Just relieved to be out of that cell..."  We all followed Bilbo down the steps to the wine cellar.  I frowned and looked around as Bilbo lead us to the center of the room.  Seeing the guards, I froze, watching them, only to find that they were asleep.  Bilbo pointed at the barrels.

"Climb in!"  I frowned at him as everyone, with the exception of Thorin and Skyrena errupted in protests.  Finally, Thorin spoke.

"Do as he says."  One by one, we all climbed into the barrels and looked out at Bilbo.

"Now what?"  He smiled as he reached for a lever, which made me nervous.

"Hold your breath."  With that, he pulled the lever, and we were falling into a dark cavern.  Skyrena spilt out of her barrel as she hit the water, but Thorin reached down to help her back in as soon as she resurfaced.  Soon, Bilbo was falling down to meet us.  He resurfaced and clung to Bofur's barrel.  Thorin smiled.

"Well done, Master Baggins."  With that, he started leading us away.  Skyrena frowned, as if she was fighting to remember something.  Finally, it dawned on her.

"Thorin!  The rapids...!"  Just then, we were all spilling into a raging river.  I held my breath as my barrel started to tip, waiting to spill into the water.  Just before I hit the water, someone grabbed my arm.  It was Fili, who was helping steady my barrel.

"Don't fall, Era..."  I smiled as I realized that Fili and Kili were both nearby, helping to keep me from spilling into the water.

Before long, we were riding the rapids towards the gate.  I shook my head as I was splashed in the face by the water, but I didn't spill from my barrel again.  I could hear the others shouting, but, even over all the racket, I heard the sound of horns.  I shuddered as I noticed the river gate up ahead.  It was a horn, alerting the gates to be shut.  I swallowed hard and looked towards the gate.  Already, the elves were hurrying to close the trap doors below the bridge.  I looked towards Thorin.

"Thorin!"  He turned in time to see the gates start to close.  Skyrena was already swimming in the river, hoping to open the gate and help us get through.  I started to get out of my barrel, but Fili caught my arm.

"No, Era!  You'll be caught...!"  I sighed as Kili caught my other arm.

"Please, Era..."  I looked back at Skyrena and Thorin, who were fighting to open the gate.

Dwalin soon joined them, ramming themselves into the gate almost in perfect unison.  I wanted to be up there, helping them, but, one look from Fili, and I knew I couldn't.  He'd already been worried sick about me.  Besides, a scent caught my attention.  Before I could say anything, I heard a shout and saw one of guards fall into the river.  Above me, Orcs growled and roared.  I silently cursed as I saw them.

"Look out!  There's Orcs!"  We were sitting ducks to the Orcs, who were coming right for us.  Suddenly, the elves finally caught up and started killing the Orcs off.  I started for land, despite Fili's grasp on my arm, but Killi stopped me by grabbing both my shoulders.

"No, Era...  Let me open the gate."  Both Fili and I stared at him in shock.  "We were ordered to keep an eye on you, Era, and Thorin seems very fond of you.  He'd kill us if anything happened to you."  He smiled a little as he nodded at Fili.  "And, I don't think Fili would forgive himself either."  I swallowed hard and nodded.

Kili immediately started towards land while I grabbed his barrel.  Fili helped me steady it as we inched closer to the gate.  Suddenly, the gates flew open, and we looked up towards Kili, who gazed down at us.  I swallowed hard as Fili shouted towards his brother.  Kili nodded and jumped.  The smell of blood reached me as soon as he landed in the barrel.  Before I could say anything, he shouted in pain and pushed off, sending the three of us down the river.

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