Chapter 39

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*Skyrena's Pov-

I wandered the halls for awhile, looking for Era, but I couldn't find her.  Finally, I chose to head back to the throne room and face Thorin myself.  It didn't seem fair to try to force this on her...

*Era's Pov-

"What's going on out there...?"  Fili squinted as he looked out towards the ruins of Dale.

"It looks like...  The men of Lake Town!"  I frowned as I looked towards the gate.

"Not just that.  It looks like Thorin's rebuilding the gate..."  I stood and started inside, running towards the throne room, millions of questions running through my mind.  Fili followed close behind until we reached the main hall/throne room.  Fili frowned as he gazed at the new "gate."

"Uncle, what is this?"  Thorin climbed down the "gate" and smiled at us.

"I'm rebuilding...  We must protect our home once again!"  I turned towards the minature mountain that served as a gate.

"I don't understand..."  He placed a hand on my shoulder, smiling like a mad man.

"You will in time, Era.  This is your home, too."  He looked over at Fili, who narrowed his eyes at him.  "So, I take it you've reconsidered?"  Before either of us could speak, Skyrena burst into the room, freezing when she saw the wall that served as our gate.

"Thorin, what is going on?"  Thorin released me at once and approached her.

"I'm rebuilding, Skyrena...  I have to take care of our home now."  He turned back, guiding her towards me with a firm hand on her shoulder, as she lowered her gaze.

"Thorin, I need a word with you..."  He froze and turned towards her.

"What is it, Skyrena?"  I swallowed hard, thinking about everything that was happening and realizing that Balin was right.  If anything would help Thorin now, it would be if Skyrena married him.  She smiled politely, keeping her gaze lowered.

"I wish to accept your offer...  That is, if it still stands."  He frowned for a second before it hit him.

"Oh, my offer for you to marry me?"  She nodded.  "Well, yes, it still stands.  I'll call for the ceremony tonight!"  He called out to the others.  "Come on!  We have some news for you!"  As soon as everyone was gathered, Thorin took her hand.  "Skyrena has agreed to let me have her hand in marriage and become your queen.  Are there any dwarves who object?"  I felt my heart pounding as I looked around.  They all either looked surprised or nodded in encouragement at her.  "Very well..."  He turned to her.  "I wish to marry her tonight.  There will be a huge feast!"  Balin stepped forward.

"Why not first thing in the morning?  That way, we all have a chance to prepare."  Thorin thought of this for a second.

"Very well...  First thing in the morning."  He kissed her hand and turned towards me.  "Now, I understand you've changed your mind as well and have chosen to marry Fili?" I swallowed hard and shook my head as everyone looked at me.

"No, Thorin...  I just came down to see what all the commotion was."  He rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Nonsense, Era..."  He turned to Fili.  "Won't you have her, Fili?"  I swallowed hard as Fili lowered his gaze.

"Of course, Uncle..."  I started to protest but caught a stern look from Skyrena and Balin, who both shook their heads.  I swallowed hard as Thorin continued.

"It's decided!  Fili and Era will marry tomorrow as well, following mine and Skyrena's ceremony!"  Around us, everyone cheered as Fili took my hand and kissed it.  Before long, I was following Skyrena to her chambers.

"What was that about?"  She hung her head and looked over at me.

"I'm sorry, Era...  Thorin's..."  She sighed as she sank onto her bed.  "Thorin's beyond reason now."  I frowned as I sat down beside her.

"What do you mean?"  She looked over at me.

"He's got dragon sickness...  It's clouded his reasoning beyond repair.  That means that we have to try to fight it with reasoning."  I frowned.

"I don't understand..."  She rolled her eyes.

"He can't reason properly.  So, if we continue to do the sensible thing, it'll make him worse.  However, if we consent and choose not to argue, it'll actually help him."  I sighed and looked away.

"But..."  I knew she was right, but it didn't seem right.  "I'm not supposed to be here, though.  And, marry Fili?"  I raised an eyebrow at her.  "Am I the only one who sees something wrong here?"  She sighed and smiled a little.

"I know, Era...  Balin is speaking with Fili right now.  If we play this right, we can talk Thorin out of the wedding."  I sighed and looked at her.

"And, if it doesn't work?"  She lowered her gaze.

"Someone will object.  I promise, Era..."  I nodded.

"Sounds fair enough..."

*Fili's Pov-

"I know I can't marry Era, but..."  I sighed and shook my head.  "I actually wish I could."  Balin nodded his head understandingly.

"I know it doesn't seem fair, Fili, but think of Era.  She knows that she can't stay here.  She has to return to her own timing..."  I nodded, keeping my gaze lowered.

"I know, but..."  I shook my head.  "It's just not fair."  Balin nodded.

"I know. Fili.  She can't stay, though..."  He smiled a little as he rested a hand on my shoulder.  "Just think of how you'll feel when you get to watch her grow up to be your cousin."  I couldn't help but smile.

"If she's anything like she is now, I think I'd love her even more..."  He smiled a little.

"And, you won't see her as someone you know...  You'll see her as family."  I smiled a little and looked at Balin.

"So, we continue on playing along with Thorin's idea, but you and Skyrena will talk him out of it.  If that doesn't work, you'll object to the union?"  He nodded.  I nodded and looked away, my mind racing.  "Is Era aware of your plan?"

"Yes..."  I nodded.

"I'll do it, then."  I had to help Era, even if it wasn't what I wanted for us.

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