Day 1 - Reward

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The boat disembarks the players on the island of Corsica where they meet Alec.

Alec: "Welcome to Survivor." Everyone cheers. "Across the next couple of months, you will be living amongst each other and one by one voting each other out until at the end, one person remains standing and will be crowned Sole Survivor. Ultimately, you will have to battle each other, but for the time being, you will be competing in teams."

Alec reveals a box of concealed buffs. One at a time, the players take one and in unison, they open the buffs and move to the matching mat. On the red mat stands Adrien, Alix, Chloe, Ivan, Lila, Luka, Mylene, Nathaniel and Rose. On the green mat stands Ali, Alya, Jalil, Juleka, Marc, Marinette, Nino, Nora and Sabrina. On the blue mat stands Aurore, Felix, Kagami, Kim, Max, Mireille, Ondine, Wayhem and Zoe.

Alec: "For your first reward challenge, one at a time, 8 of you will swim out to a platform to collect a crate. Once all the crates are collected, you will use the materials inside to build a pole to retrieve a key that will unlock a gate. Once you've done that, the last person will use those same materials to build a fire high enough to break a rope and raise a flag. First team to finish will win 5kg bag of rice and fire in the form of flame. Second team to finish will win 2kg bag of rice and fire in the form of flint. As for the other team, you'll have to start from scratch. I'll give you a minute to strategise, then we'll get started."

Red mat

Alix: "I can be handy with the constuction."

Nathaniel: "So you'll be fetching the key, which means you'll also be building the fire."

Alix: "I've never had to make a fire before, but I'm willing to give it a try."

Green mat

Marinette: "Anyone want to volunteer for the big finish?" Alya raises her hand. "Is everyone in favour?" The tribe murmurs in agreement.

Blue mat

Mireille: "Who here has camping experience? Who can build a fire?"

Max: "While I've never had to do so, I'm sure I could learn from scratch."

Everyone moves into position.

Alec: "Alright, let's see what we've got. On construction, we have Alix for red, Alya for green and Max for blue. For your first reward, survivors ready. Go!"

The teams start progressing through chest deep water towards their crates. Adrien starts off the red team by swimming, Ali for green by running through the water and Aurore for blue by swimming. Aurore crosses the 20m span of water, collects the crate and starts walking through the water back to shore, holding the crate above her head. Next, Adrien reaches the platform, grabs a crate and starts returning, copying Aurore's tactic.

Alec: "Aurore has collected her building materials. Adrien collects his building materials. You do not want to get that wet."

Ali reaches the platform, grabs the crate and starts travelling back to shore. Aurore reaches the shore, placing the crate on the ground. Felix then runs through the water.

Alec: "Aurore has brought back a crate for blue. Blue leads, 1-0-0. Felix heads out next."

Adrien returns to shore.

Chloe: "Don't expect me to go in there. These swimmers are brand new and expensive and I can't afford to get them wet."

Rose swims out. Felix grabs a crate and starts heading back to shore.

Alec: "Adrien has brought a crate for red. We're tied, 1-1-0. Rose is out next."

Adrien: "Seriously, Chloe?"

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