Day 16 - Green Camp

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The green tribe members return to camp.

Ali: "That was not our greatest moment."

Nora: "You think?"

Sabrina: "Well, no use putting this off." As Sabrina moves towards the ocean, she puts her fingers near her head. "I just realised my hair is still clean."

Sabrina lays down in the ocean to clean the residual mud off her body.

Sabrina: (confessional; Butterfly Miraculous) "Of course I didn't want to get my hair dirty because that would entail maximising effort in the reward. As far as I'm concerned, I got my reward 2 challenges ago and quite frankly, I'd like to hold on to it for as long as possible."

Nora: "Unfortunately, the same can't be said for her morals."

Ali: "And you're a judge a character, are you?"

Nora: "You saw the challenge, right? What was going through Sabrina's head?"

Juleka: "I'll go find out."

Marc: "Right behind you."

Juleka and Marc leave to join Sabrina.

Nora: "This has been ongoing for nearly a week now, we can't let it continue."

Jalil: "What has been ongoing?"

Nora: "Sabrina's antics in these challenges."

Jalil: "What about the last immunity?"

Nora: "What about it?"

Jalil: "Sabrina won that for us, didn't she?"

Marinette: "That's a good point."

Nora: "So, why is she doing this now?"

Alya: "Only way to know would be to ask her."

Nino: "Which is what Juleka and Marc just went to do."

Alya: "So, we can ask them when they get back."

Nora: "Don't you think we should have a witness to that conversation?"

Ali: "Why?"

Nora: "To verify what's being said."

Ali looks at Nora somewhat confused.

Ali: (confessional) "A game like this is all about social interactions and how you treat people not only to their face, but also when their not around. Nora asking for a witness to the conversation with Sabrina implies she doesn't trust the people in that conversation. I can't wait for Juleka to hear about this."

Juleka, Marc and Sabrina, in the ocean.

Marc: "Nora is going ballistic up there."

Sabrina: "Oh, really? I'm all ears."

Marc: "As you were coming here, you commented that your hair was still clean."

Sabrina: "Yeah, because it was."

Marc: "And fair enough, but almost immediately, Nora goes 'same can't be said for her morals'."

Sabrina: "Seriously? Who does she think she is?"

Juleka: "Her fans call her Anansi."

Marc: "Fans? What do you mean?"

Juleka: "Nora does boxing and Anansi is her stage name."

Marc: "Anyway, Nora was wondering what was going through your mind today."

Sabrina: "Well, if Nora has a question she wants to ask me, she's more than welcome to do so in person."

Juleka: "What's to stop you making a snarky comment?"

Sabrina: "I'm not Chloe if that's what you're worried about."

Juleka: "Very well, I'll let her know."

Juleka moves towards the shore.

Juleka: (confessional) "Even though I don't tend to use many words, I appreciate when people communicate at least somewhat directly. I'm not sure why Nora and Sabrina don't want to talk to each other, but I intend to find out."

Marc: "I think it might be working."

Sabrina: "Maybe, but I don't want to force the situation just yet."

Marc: "Fair enough."

Marc dunks his head underwater, rinsing the mud out of his hair, then he and Sabrina return to shore. Ali intercepts Juleka on her way back to her shelter.

Ali: "Juleka, may I borrow a minute of your time? Something just happened that I think you should know about."

Juleka: "This had better be quick."

Ali: "First of all, I like to think the trust is a 2 way street and consequently, I don't think you should trust someone who doesn't trust you."

Juleka: "Agreed."

Ali: "While you were in the water with Sabrina, Nora was like 'shouldn't we have a witness to that conversation?'."

Juleka: "Nora said that?"

Ali: Places hand on his chest. "Hand on heart, that is a direct quote. I just thought you should know, but make of that what you will."

Juleka: "Thank you."

Juleka moves to the well where she finds Nora with Alya, Marinette and Nino.

Nora: "What did you find?"

Juleka: "Sabrina says if you have a question, you can ask her yourself."

Nora: "And she couldn't tell us that herself? How ironic."

Juleka: "That's what she said."

Nora: "Thank you." Juleka leaves. "This can't continue."

Alya: "Sabrina?"

Nora: "Something has to be done."

Marinette: "Like what?"

Nora: "If she's so intent on not winning these challenges, then why don't we oblige her?"

Nino: "You're not actually suggesting losing the challenge on purpose, are you?"

Marinette: "Won't Sabrina be expecting that?"

Nora: "Not if she's trying to lose the challenge as well."

Alya: "And then what?"

Nora: "Well, next stop will be the tribal council and that's where our business will be conducted."

Marinette: "Vote her out? Will that work?"

Nora: "Unless things have changed in the last week, there's us plus Juleka and Marc. That's more than enough."

Alya: "But Sabrina might have a miraculous, remember?"

Nora: "We don't know that for certain."

Nino: "Indeed, that's what worries me."

Nora: "That's just paranoia talking. Stay focused and we'll get through this."

Nora: (confessional) "Sabrina hasn't been pulling her weight in this tribe for a while now and today was the last straw. Mark my words, we're going to the next tribal council, we're voting out Sabrina and that's final."

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