Tribal Council Aftermath - Blue Camp

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The blue tribe members return to camp.

Max: (confessional; Peacock Miraculous) "That tribal council was officially a disaster. I just got outsmarted yet again. I can't believe I was so naïve, I won't that mistake again. Felix better watch out because now I have the only miraculous left in this tribe, which gives me the upper hand."

Ondine: "Well played, Felix. I don't think any of us saw that coming."

Mireille: "I saw that coming."

Max: "Ondine, can I talk to you for a moment?" Max walks away from the shelter, Ondine follows. "Could you explain to me why there were only 3 votes for Felix?"

Ondine: "I had a realisation that Felix had a miraculous that he was going to play and so did Kagami, meaning my vote wouldn't count either way."

Max: "And why didn't you tell me about this?"

Ondine: "It was about gaining Felix's trust so that he would let his guard down. Your reaction needed to be genuine or he would never believe it."

Max: "I see. So, what's your plan?"

Ondine: "Felix currently thinks the numbers are 5-2 in his favour. If he tries to divide the votes like he did tonight, then we can vote him out."

Max: "That's actually a good plan. Let's do it."

Ondine: (confessional) "My decision to vote for Kagami tonight was about gaining the trust of Felix and his crew so that I can betray them at our next tribal council. I just hope Max and Kagami can understand that."

Max and Ondine return to the shelter.

Aurore: "What was that about?"

Max: "Just clearing something up."

Aurore: "Ondine?"

Ondine: "Max was wanting to know why I didn't stick to his plan."

Felix: "Ah. Lost another ally, have we?"

Max: "Very funny. Good night, everyone."

They go to sleep.

DAY 16

As the sun rises, Aurore and Mireille are the first to awake and walk down the beach away from everyone else.

Aurore: "Good morning."

Mireille: "It is indeed. Imagine if we were at the end together."

Aurore: "I don't want to jinx us, but that would be so amazing."

Mireille: "We're already on the road there. Think about it, you, me, Felix, Wayhem and now we have Ondine with us. We've got all the makings of final 5."

Mireille: (confessional) "Waking up on day 16, I could not feel happier. After 2 weeks of struggling, we are finally on top of this tribe. If we can return to our usual winning streak, Felix, Wayhem, Aurore and I will be the final 4."

They return to the shelter and Mireille puts some rice in the pot over the fire while the rest of the tribe slowly wake up.

Aurore: "Good morning everyone."

Max: "Yes, good morning. Hate to skip the pleasantries, but there is business to attend to." To Kagami. "We need to talk."

Kagami: "Ok."

Kagami follows Max along the beach.

Max: "What are your thoughts on Ondine at the moment?"

Kagami: "I am curious as to why she didn't vote with us."

Max: "I asked her that exact question last night. She says she wants to convince Felix she's on his side. If we tell Felix, we could get him to vote her out instead of us."

Kagami: "And then we'll never get Felix out. If Ondine has a plan, we need to be receptive and follow her lead."

Max: "How can we trust her after last night?"

Kagami: "We don't have a choice."

Kagami: (confessional) "We're in a tight spot at the moment. Felix currently has a strong alliance of 4 and in a tribe of 7, that's enough for a majority. I'm not sure how Ondine intends to dismantle that, but our backs are against the wall."

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