Night 12 - Tribal Council

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The members of the red tribe arrive where Alec is waiting, place their lit torches into slots in the ground and take their seats. There are 3 seats in the back row containing, from left to right, Nathaniel, Adrien and Rose. There are 4 seats in the front row containing, in the same order, Mylene, Ivan, Luka and Alix.

Alec: "So, here we are again. Red tribe, what do you have to say for yourselves?"

Alix: "I think our problem might be a lack of communication."

Alec: "You've been to the majority of the tribal councils thus far. You sure it's not just a lack of ability?"

Alix: "Let's be fair, we have won a challenge."

Alec: "There must be a reason you've been unable to repeat your success. Unless that was just a fluke?"

Alix: "I hope it wasn't a fluke."

Alec: "Rose, do you like being at tribal council?"

Rose: "It's not my favourite place, no."

Alec: "In your opinion, do you think there's anyone here who does like this place?"

Rose: Looks around the group. "I don't think so."

Alec: "Then why do you keep coming back?"

Rose: "I'm sure it's not for a lack of trying."

Alec: "All right, let's ask someone else. Adrien, what do you think this tribe needs that it doesn't already have?"

Rose leans forward and whispers into Alix's ear.

Adrien: "I think we need a better strategy going into these challenges."

Alec: "Any specific ideas?"

Adrien: "Yesterday, for example, if we had someone else row out first, we might have actually got the right pattern, which could've changed the outcome."

Alec: "So, you're saying it's Ivan's fault you lost?"

Adrien: "No, not at all. I'm sure Ivan did the best he could. What I'm saying is in hindsight, Ivan wasn't the optimal person to go out."

Alec: "Ivan, would you agree with that statement."

Ivan: "Yeah, I'm willing to take a step back if someone else has expertise."

Alec: "Mylene, you're usually quite opinionated. What's your take on this?"

Mylene: "I wouldn't say I'm opinionated."

Alec: "Is that your opinion?"

The whole tribe laughs except Ivan and Mylene.

Mylene: "I see what you did there. I didn't have much view of what was going on, so my opinion as far as the challenge goes is really what others have told me."

Alec: "I'm all ears."

Mylene: "Alix rowing back and forth did waste time for us."

Alix: "Thanks."

Alec: "But Mylene, didn't Ivan get the pattern wrong?"

Mylene: "He did his best."

Alec: "Nevertheless, would you consider that to be a waste of time?"

Alix leans back and whispers something to Rose.

Mylene: "Um..."

Alec: "It's a simple enough question."

Luka: "Speaking of which, I've been hearing a lot of whispering happening at this end." To Alix and Rose. "Is there anything you'd like to share."

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