Day 13 - Blue Camp

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Blue tribe members arrive at camp. As promised, there is a large wooden crate full of assorted fruits.

Ondine: "Home sweet home. Good to be back on top."

Ondine grabs a lemon from the crate and cuts the tips off with a machete.

Zoe: "I think we should save some for Max. He's earned it."

Wayhem: "What about Felix?"

Zoe: "Felix can have some as well."

Mireille: Peels an orange from the crate. "Let's brainstorm for a minute. How many challenges haven't we won?"

Wayhem: Chuckles. "Max would probably know this answer immediately."

Kagami: "2 by my count."

Aurore: Takes an apple from the crate. "So, are we going to address the elephant in the room?"

Kagami: "What elephant would that be?"

Aurore: "The unbreakable vote today can mean only one thing; we'll have an unbreakable vote at our next tribal council."

Ondine: "When do you think that will be?"

Aurore: "I don't know. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week. But it's bound to happen eventually and when it does, we're going to find ourselves at an impasse."

Kagami: "I guess it comes down to what happens today on Miracle Island."

Aurore: (confessional) "The fact that the tribe is currently at an impasse is not the only problem. Because the Miracle Island vote is public, everyone here knows exactly where the line is."

Kagami: (confessional; Ladybug Miraculous) "Aurore may think the vote will be unbreakable, but I have a secret weapon that can turn the tide. If Max can find another, the power will be back in our hands for good."

Mireille stands up and walks along the beach. Aurore and Wayhem follow her.

Aurore: "I know that look. What are you thinking?"

Mireille: "I'm thinking I'm not going to wait to find out who gets the miraculous. I'm thinking we need a backup plan, we need to be proactive."

Wayhem: "Ok. What's your plan?"

Mireille: "When Kim was voted out, Ondine was no longer as tightly bound to the rest of the group as the others are. I reckon we might be able to use that to convince her to come with us."

Aurore: "It's worth a shot."

Wayhem: "I'll go get her." Wayhem runs up the beach to Ondine. "Do you mind if we borrow you to chat for a moment?"

Ondine: To Kagami and Zoe. "I'll be back in a minute." Walks along the beach with Wayhem. "What do you want?"

Zoe: "I'm not liking this."

Kagami: "No, me neither."

Aurore and Mireille, along the beach. Ondine and Wayhem approach.

Ondine: "Alright, let's hear it."

Mireille: "I'll start with the obvious. You're not as tight with in that group as the others, they'll turn on you before they turn on each other."

Ondine: "By that same logic, how do I know you won't turn on me? I'm not tight with you either."

Wayhem: "None of us are, that's actually what drew us together."

Aurore: "We're offering a position within our ranks. You come with us, we'll do everything we can to secure you to the end."

Ondine: "I'll think about it."

Ondine walks away.

Ondine: (confessional) "Aurore's offer does give me an idea to play double agent. I'll just need to run this by the others first."


Felix and Max arrive on a raft, debark and are met with a sign.

Max: "There are keys around the sign."

Felix: "I haven't seen one of those before." They grab a key each. "'This island is where it all began, for this miraculous you'll need to make a plan, search far and wide as big as a bird's wingspan, good luck finding this miraculous I hope you're a big fan.'"

Max: "'This may come as a shock, that the next miraculous is the peacock, here is a key to open the lock, to find it you'll need to look under every rock.' Interesting."

Felix: "Want to work together on this?"

Max: "You're kidding, right?"

Felix: "Have it your way, then."

Felix: (confessional; Cat Miraculous) "I already have a miraculous of my own, so I don't really need another one, but I do want to keep it out of Max's hand."

Felix and Max part ways and start searching the island.

Felix: "How big is a bird's wingspan?" Spans his arms. "Ok, so that's probably metaphorical, meaning I'll have to search the entire island."


Max: "'Look under every rock'? That doesn't really narrow it down." Turns over a couple of rocks to reveal dirt. "There's got to be a simpler way."

Max: (confessional) "Assuming this miraculous is under a rock as the sign said, it must be a fairly large rock. It also wouldn't be very stable... unless it's dome-shaped, making it hollow. That's something I could easily check for."

A few hours pass as Felix and Max continue searching the island. Eventually, Max hits a round rock that sounds different from the others. Max knocks on a few nearby rocks to confirm before turning it over to find a black hexagonal box.

Max: "Looks like this might be it." Opens the box to reveal a purple peacock brooch, spread out like a fan and a folded note. "'Congratulations, you've found the miraculous of the peacock.' Yes! 'This miraculous has the power to keep you safe at tribal council should you choose to play it. The last opportunity to play this miraculous is final 5.'" Sighs ecstatically. "Yes!"

Max puts the miraculous in its box, the box in his bag and heads back to the raft.

Max: (confessional; Peacock Miraculous) "I can't believe I've actually found it. Add this to the one Kagami already has and Felix is done for. I can't wait see the look on his face as he sees his plans crumbling around him."

Max arrives at the raft and waits for Felix. When Felix arrives, the raft departs.

Felix: (confessional; Cat Miraculous) "I failed in finding this miraculous which I'm pretty sure means Max has it, which means I'm going to have to think overtime in order to deal with this threat."

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