Day 7 - Reward

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All players enter a challenge area where Alec is waiting.

Alec: "Come on in, guys." Red and green members stand on their colour mats, shortly followed by blue. "Red and green getting your first look at the new blue tribe. Kim voted out in last night's tribal council."

Adrien: "That was Felix's doing. Look at the smile on his face."

Lila: "Impressive."

Alec: "Felix, given the obvious shock of last night's result, is there any explanation you'd like to offer?"

Felix: "Some people over here felt the need to turn this into an 'us vs them' mentality. So, it was either going to be one of us or one of them."

Alec: "Ondine, any thoughts you'd like to share?"

Ondine: "I would've preferred it being someone else. Someone other than Kim."

Alec: "With all that settled, you ready for today's reward challenge?" Everyone cheers. "Ok, for today's challenge, you will be holding a sandbag above your head underneath a trough of water. If your arms tire, you may pass a bag to someone else, but if at any point you aren't holding any bags at all, you're out. Over time, more and more people will drop out until eventually, one of the bags drops too low, at which point the trough is released on the players below. Last tribe to get dunked wins reward. Want to know what you're playing for?" Everyone cheers. "Waiting at the winning camp will be some nice, salted fish and chips. Worth playing for?" Everyone cheers. "All right, before we can get started, green you have an extra player, you need to sit someone out. Can't be the same person in back-to-back challenges."

Nino: "Can't be me, I sat out last time."

Jalil raises his hand.

Alec: "Jalil, you're on the bench. Everyone else, I'll give you a minute to strategise, then we'll get started."

Red mat.

Lila: "Since your strongest, Ivan, I suggest you go in the middle, so that when we have to pass bags, they don't have to go as far."

Mylene: "I think I might be a bit short for this."

Luka: "Ok, you stand next to Ivan."

Ivan: "Just hang in there as long as possible. You can do this."

Mylene: "Ok, thanks."

Green mat.

Marinette: "Ok, who's going where?"

Sabrina: "Being the strongest, I think Nora should be in the middle. That way, you can support the rest of us."

Nino: "I'll go next to you because I'm not expecting to last too long."

Nora: "Sounds good. Let's try to get a win."

Blue mat.

Mireille: "Alright, how are we doing this?"

Felix: "I think the strongest should be in the middle to support the group. That will be Kagami and Ondine."

Max: "Never thought I'd say this, but I agree."

Felix: "Alright then, let's take another win. Let's do this."

The players take their positions, with Mylene on her toes.

Alec: "Ok, Jalil is on the bench. Everyone, grab hold of a sandbag." The players do so, and Alec pulls a lever which releases the hooks formerly holding the bags in place. "For reward, this challenge is on."

Alix: "This isn't going to work."

Adrien: "Are you tapping out?"

Alix: "Yeah."

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