Day 4 - Green Camp

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The green tribe members arrive at camp.

Nora: "Still underdog, then?"

Alya: "Looks like it."

Jalil: "Is that really a problem?"

Nora: "Personally, I prefer to intimidate my competitors. It's hard to be intimidating as a so-called 'underdog'."

Marinette: "Is intimidation really necessary?"

Nora: "Of course. If you can keep your opponents scared, they'll be more likely to make mistakes."

Juleka: "We just need to not be last."

Nora: "What do you mean?"

Juleka: "There are 3 teams, we just need to not be last."

Nora: "For now, you don't really expect it to stay like this forever, do you?"

Jalil: "We can deal with that when we get there."

Sabrina: (confessional) "An underdog status really isn't the shaming thing Nora makes it out to be. Quite the opposite, in fact, it actually puts us in a very prime position. You see, the fact that we haven't won any challenges thus far means the other teams aren't pointing us out as a threat and so long as we don't lose any challenges, none of us will be in serious trouble. You watch, we'll be laughing when we're the only tribe with all our members still intact. Or at least, I will be."

Alya, Nino and Nora, near the water well.

Nino: "Nora, would you be ok if I were to speak freely?"

Nora: "Go for it."

Nino: "I understand your determination, I really do, but I don't think a perfectionist mentality is going to help."

Alya: "Yeah, I kind of have to agree with Nino on this one."

Nora: "So what would you suggest?"

Alya: "Don't try to push for perfectionism. Just let this team run its course and you'll find there won't be a problem."

Nino: "Yeah, if you can do that, everything will run much more smoothly. You'll see."

Nora: "Ok, I guess I can do that."

The 3 of them share a hug, then Nora leaves.

Nino: "Wow, Nora can be more chill than I've seen before."

Alya: "When she's given a task, she takes it very seriously. Sometimes to a fault."

Nino: "Yeah, but she can be a real awesome dude."

Nora: (confessional) "When this game started, I came in with a 'win at all costs' mindset. But maybe little sis and Cappie have a point and I could take it down a notch."

Marinette and Sabrina.

Marinette: "Good evening, Sabrina."

Sabrina: "Hi. What can I do for you?"

Marinette: "I noticed you were upset when Chloe didn't appear at the challenge today. I'm here if you want to talk about it."

Sabrina: "Thanks. We originally planned to take this journey together. Looks like that won't happen."

Marinette: "But now you can do your own independent game and not be controlled by others."

Sabrina: "Yeah, suppose you're right."

Marinette: "Okay, if you ever feel the need to talk I'm here for you."

Sabrina: "Noted, thanks."

Marinette: "Ok, then. See you later."

They wave and Marinette leaves to find Alya.

Alya: "Hey, girl. What's going on?"

Marinette: "I'm not bad. Yourself?"

Alya: "Yeah, I'm great."

Marinette: "So, what's happening?"

Alya: "Oh, you know. Nora being Nora, you know how it is. Nothing out of the ordinary."

Marinette: "She doesn't like losing, does she?"

Alya: "More specifically, she doesn't like not being on top. And by itself, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Motivation can help lead us to victory."

Marinette: "Absolutely."

Alya: "My concern is that her approach may be rubbing people the wrong way."

Marinette: "Yes, I've noticed that. Maybe someone should talk to her before it gets out of hand."

Alya: "I already did. Hopefully, she takes what we talked about on board."

Marinette: (confessional) "There's a lot to unpack here. So far, we haven't been going too bad. Personally, I would like to actually win a challenge because apparently, there's an extra reward. At least, I imagine that's why blue stayed behind at the end of the last 2 rewards. But I digress, Nora is definitely exhibiting a winner's state of mind, which is fine under its own merit, but in contrast to what Shakespeare said, you can actually have too much of something."

Ali and Jalil.

Jalil: "How are you doing at the moment?"

Ali: "Not too bad. Yourself?"

Jalil: "Personally, I'm going all right. Do you have time for a chat?"

Ali: "Of course. What about?"

Jalil: "I've been doing a bit of recon and I wanted to assess our position within this group."

Ali: "To be completely honest, that's not something I want to think about at the moment."

Jalil: "You want to enjoy your time here and I understand that. Really, I do. But we all saw what happened to the red group yesterday. 9 people left the challenge, 8 returned."

Ali: "Ok, you got my attention. What did you find?"

Jalil: "Alya, Nino and Nora are a very tight group. They'll likely include Juleka and Marinette."

Ali: "Hmm. That's 5 and that potentially puts us outside."

Jalil: "Yes. The way I see it, one option would be to try to join them, and we don't know how long that will last."

Ali: "Sounds a little shaky. What else is there?"

Sabrina approaches.

Sabrina: "Hi, guys."

Jalil: "Hey, Sabrina. Come join us. We were trying to assess our position within the tribe."

Sabrina: "Ok. What have you got so far?"

Ali: "Alya, Nino and Nora are a tight trio."

Sabrina: "As expected. What else?"

Ali: "There's us 3, which leaves Marc, Marinette and Juleka as a final group. It's currently looking like they're leaning to the other side."

Sabrina: "I see."

Jalil: "As it currently stands, our options are to either try to join them."

Sabrina: "I, for one, don't want to sit at the bottom of a group and wait to be picked off. But go on."

Jalil: "I agree. Our only other option would be to try to undermine them."

Ali: "Ok. How?"

Sabrina: "It sounds like a majority isn't actually set in stone yet. We could try to work with Marc, Juleka or Marinette."

Jalil: "All right. Let's get to it."

Sabrina: (confessional) "It's almost crazy to think about this, but I don't think these people realise just how strategic I can be. In all seriousness, I almost beat Max today. If that doesn't scream 'intellectual threat', then I don't know what does."

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