Night 15 - Tribal Council

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The members of the blue tribe arrive where Alec is waiting, place their lit torches into slots in the ground and take their seats. There are 4 seats in the back row containing, from left to right, Kagami, Wayhem, Felix and Ondine. There are 4 seats in the front row containing, in the same order, Max, Aurore, Mireille and Zoe. Felix places his Cat miraculous on his finger.

Alec: "Felix."

Felix: "Yes."

Alec: "Nice accessory."

Felix: Smiles. "Thank you."

Alec: "Will it have a bearing tonight?"

Felix: "Possibly. We'll have to wait and see."

Alec: "Max, last time you were here, a miraculous was played. Does seeing one in front of you make you concerned of another being played tonight?"

Max: "Not really, no."

Alec: "You're not worried about the idea of Felix playing yet another miraculous?"

Max: "On the contrary, I'm counting on it."

Alec looks confused and Felix laughs.

Alec: "So, let's see if I've got this right. You came in here with a plan that involves Felix playing his miraculous?"

Max: "That's right."

Alec: "Felix, are you and Max getting along since your last tribal council?"

Felix: "No, there's definitely a rivalry between us."

Alec: "But Max just said that he wants you to play it."

Felix: "If that's what he wants, then I'm more than happy to do that."

Max smiles.

Alec: "Zoe, there are many aspects that could factor into a vote. What's the deciding factor for you?"

Zoe: "I think the challenge yesterday."

Alec: "You think someone let you down?"

Zoe: "Yes. A certain someone who I shall not name that was responsible for a certain aspect that I shall not name."

Mireille: "So why did you sit out, Max?"

Max: "This again?"

Alec: "I have to admit, I was a little surprised when you sat out. Normally, you would jump at every opportunity for a puzzle."

Max: "Every other challenge, the one with the puzzle would wait at the end, so there wasn't any drawback. In yesterday's case, all of us had to go in the water and I'm not a strong swimmer."

Felix: "You'll never believe this. I asked the same question and got the same answer."

Alec: "That would make sense."

Felix: "Yeah, but it was nearly word for word."

Alec: "Kagami, what might be another factor for a vote if not strategy?"

Kagami: "If not strategy, then maybe who we can get along with. It is often believed that likeability is a liability."

Alec: "Really? Why is that?"

Kagami: "If you can get a lot of people to like you, then getting through this game becomes so much easier than simply being good at challenges.

Alec: "Aurore, would you agree with that statement?"

Aurore: Yes, that sounds about right. Someone who is very likeable would be a threat."

Zoe: "So, I should be threatened by everyone here?"

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