Tribal Council Aftermath - Red Camp

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The red tribe members return to camp.

Lila: (confessional) "Well, tonight's vote was less than ideal. The idea was that myself, Chloe, Adrien, Alix and Nathaniel were supposed to vote Luka and I thought we'd be able to convince Ivan and Mylene for good measure. But, they all decided they'd rather vote Chloe out instead, which means I'm going to have some serious scrambling to do if I don't want to be next."

Rose: "Shame about Chloe."

Mylene: "She just didn't integrate with the group."

Adrien: "No way to go but forwards."

Luka: (confessional) "Chloe was supposed to be a clean vote tonight. However, someone else wanted me out. I need to find out who else voted against me before that person can rally more people to their cause."

Luka and Rose.

Luka: "I think we have a great capacity to go far if we work together."

Rose: "I agree. Who else do you think?"

Luka: "I was thinking Ivan and Mylene."

Rose: "Good idea. For now, let's try to get some sleep. We can talk to them in the morning."

Lila and Adrien.

Lila: "There's something I can't get off my mind."

Adrien: "Do you want to talk about it?"

Lila: "Yeah. What happened to the idea of voting Luka?"

Adrien: "For now, we need to make sure we can actually win these challenges and Chloe's lack of cooperation has not been conducive to that goal."

Lila: "Another concern is making sure you're not in the firing line when we inevitably do lose a challenge. Luka, Rose, Ivan and Mylene are rapidly becoming a very tight block. That leaves 4 others: us 2, plus Alix and Nathaniel. If we don't band together now, we're going to be picked off."

Adrien: "For now, can we please just get some sleep. We'll talk tomorrow."

The red tribe members to place under the shelter and go to sleep.


When the red tribe awakens, Luka sets up a meditation session. Everyone joins in and sits down on the sand and Luka guides them through various poses. As this happens, Adrien and Lila whisper to each other.

Adrien: "Do you really think this is not good for group morale?"

Lila: "It's not that. It's more about the fact that there's a tight group in formation that is one vote away from controlling the entire tribe."

Adrien: "That's what this is for. Put our mind at ease so we can focus on the following challenges."

Lila: "You know as well as I that ideology won't hold up indefinitely."

Rose: "Can we please focus on what we're doing?"

Lila: "Sorry."

After the yoga sessions concludes, Luka goes to the water well. Rose catches up with him.

Luka: "Hey, Rose. How are you today?"

Rose: "I'm very well, thank you. Just something I thought I should inform you about. During our yoga session, I heard Lila talking about a supposed group controlling the tribe."

Luka: "Really? Did she specify who?"

Rose: "No, only that the group in question is one vote away from complete control."

Luka: "Thank you for that. I appreciate it."

Rose: "Of course. We have each other's back, right?"

Luka: "Right."

Alix and Nathaniel.

Nathaniel: "What do you think of the idea of an alliance controlling this group? I have to admit, it doesn't feel right."

Alix: "Whatever the case, we should definitely keep a closer eye on everyone here."

Lila approaches.

Lila: "How's it going?"

Nathaniel: "Not bad. Yourself?"

Lila: "A little bit let down after last night. I thought we had a plan and it didn't follow through."

Alix: "I know and I'm sorry, but Chloe just wasn't someone we were wanting to work with."

Nathaniel: "We can still work together though, can't we?"

Lila: "Might be a bit late by now."

Nathaniel: (confessional) "Lila's still insistent the vote should've been Luka. For now, I'm standing by the decision I've made. Although, if Lila's right and there is an opposing force in play, we might be in trouble."

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