Day 10 - Green Camp

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The green team members arrive at camp, which is now saturated from all the rain.

Nora: "Congratulations team, on our first victory."

Ali: "Job well done, everyone."

Alya: "It certainly is very nice. Marinette, could I ask you something?"

Marinette: "Sure."

Alya pulls Marinette aside.

Alya: "Girl, what were you thinking, voting me out? Are you crazy!"

Nino and Nora look at each other and join the conversation.

Nora: "Little Sis, we could hear you from the across the camp."

Nino: To Marinette. "Yeah, dude what was the idea?"

Marinette: "Ok, so after the challenge, Zoe sat down next to me on the bench and told me that there is a miraculous on miracle island. I thought that's something a friend should have."

Nora: "That's a relief. I was worried for a moment, thinking you'd switch sides."

Marinette: "I would never betray my friends."

Alya: "Aww girl, you chose me to have a miraculous." Hugs Marinette. "Thank you."

Marinette: "Any time."

Alya: (confessional) "There's good news and bad news from this. The good news is we now know what's waiting on Miracle Island and can prepare for that next time we get the opportunity. The bad news is now Sabrina probably has it and given how the other votes went today, that could become problematic."

Juleka, Marc and Marinette.

Marinette: "How are you feeling so far?"

Marc: "Pretty solid. We appear to be in a comfortable position."

Juleka: "Why did you vote for Alya instead of Sabrina?"

Marc: "That's a good question. I'm guessing it has to do with something Zoe told you?"

Marinette: "Yes. She revealed that there was an advantage on Miracle Island. So, I'd rather have the advantage in our hands."

Marc: "Unfortunately, it didn't work out. What do we do in the meantime? If Sabrina comes back with an advantage, we could be in trouble."

Juleka: "We could use her current absence to our advantage."

Marinette: "What do you mean?"

Juleka: "Sabrina's not here at the moment. We have an opportunity to talk to the people she's been hanging out with."

Marc: "Good idea. I'll take care of that."

Marc walks away.

Marinette: "There's still the issue of what we do if Sabrina comes back with an advantage."

Juleka: "Whatever advantage you can possibly have is worthless without allies."

Marinette: "That's true."

Marinette: (confessional) "Today has been complete turmoil. What we first thought was a chance to temporarily remove someone from camp actually sends that person to the hiding spot for an advantage. And while we don't yet know what this advantage does, that doesn't change the fact that it's going to be in the hands of someone who we don't want to have an advantage."

Ali and Jalil at the water well.

Ali: "So, what's our approach now?"

Jalil: "What do you mean?"

Ali: "Now that Sabrina's not here."

Jalil: "You know this isn't permanent, right? She'll be coming back."

Ali: "Yes, but until then, we have to treat this as though she's been voted out. So there's 2 of us and 6 of them. We need to start looking for ways to break them apart."

Ali: (confessional) "I have some experience with international relations and it's hard enough to get 6 countries to unite, why should it be any different with 6 people?"

Marc approaches.

Marc: "Hello, Jalil. I've been thinking about the offer you made me earlier and I'd like to take you up on that."

Jalil: "Really? After you voted for Sabrina?"

Marc: "At the end of the challenge today, Zoe told Marinette something. I overheard the words Miraculous and Miracle Island. So I voted for Sabrina knowing that the other alliance would vote for her."

Ali: "That is a fair point. After all, Marinette voted for Alya, why would she do that unless she was clued in on something?"

Marc: "Exactly."

Ali: "And if the others don't know that you overheard, you could be a double agent."

Marc: "I'd be up for that."

Jalil: "Ok, we'll discuss this with Sabrina when she gets back and we'll let you know."

Marc: "Thank you."

Marc leaves.

Ali: "3 of us, 5 of them. It's working already."

Marc: (confessional) "As things currently stand, there is a stable majority of Alya, Nino, Nora, Marinette and Juleka. If Sabrina returns empty handed, then I'd might as well stay with that majority. However, if she comes back with something, then we might be able to stir up some trouble."

As the day draws to a close, the rain finally stops.


A boat arrives at Miracle Island, Sabrina disembarks and finds a sign.

Sabrina: "Ok, Miracle Island, what have you got for me? 'Concealed within this island lies power untold. Power to keep you safe, should your game begin to fold. In your search, you may find what you seek. An item to be treated as antique. Crucial to your investigation will be the mark of one Daisy Marigold.'"

Sabrina: (confessional) "So, I arrive at Miracle Island and the first thing I find is a poem. This poem, presumably, is some kind of clue to whatever may be lurking here. 'The mark of Daisy Marigold', well marigold is a flower, so I guess my search starts there."

Sabrina travels the island, searching for a marigold flower. After approximately 30 minutes of searching and finding various types of flowers, she eventually arrives at a small gathering of marigolds near the middle of the island. 

Sabrina: "There you are."

Sabrina peels the flower apart to reveal a small, black, hexagonal box tucked within. She picks up the box and opens it to reveal a purple oval gem with 4 clear petals and a folded note.

Sabrina: "'Congratulations, you have found the Miraculous of the Butterfly. This Miraculous has the power to keep you safe at tribal council should you choose to play it. Last opportunity to play this miraculous is final 5.' Let the fireworks begin."

Sabrina: (confessional, Butterfly Miraculous) "There is an undeniable power struggle happen within our camp and this little beauty is all that's needed to settle the conflict. This will certainly be fun."

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