Day 10 - Reward

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All players enter a challenge area where Alec awaits them. It's lightly raining.

Alec: "Come on in, guys." The green and blue members stand on their tribe mats, followed shortly by red. "Green and blue getting your first look at the new red tribe, Lila voted out in last night's tribal council." Marinette smiles. "Marinette, you seem happy about that."

Marinette: "Lila is not someone I was looking forward to playing with, so I'm glad she's gone sooner than later."

Alec: "Luka, what was the mood like after camp?"

Luka: "There was certainly a sense of unity." Alix's eyes widen. "We were able to come together as a group and we're ready to bounce back today."

Alec: "Ali, what's the situation been at camp lately, with the weather being what it is?"

Ali: "We've been forced to group together under our shelter just to stay dry. The wood for our fire has gotten damp, so it's not burning."

Alec: "So, you haven't been able to eat much these last few days?"

Ali: "Not really, no."

Mireille: "Speak for yourself."

Alec: "Mireille, you haven't been having problems with the weather?"

Mireille: "Aurore and I, being weather specialists, anticipated the rain and planned for it."

Alec: "Oh, really?"

Max: "We've added an inclination to the shelter and extended over the fire."

Sabrina: "Isn't that interesting."

Max: "We were still able to cook rice yesterday and get some sleep."

Wayhem: "So, we don't even need a reward today."

Alec: "Well, for those who are interested, are you ready to get to today's reward challenge?" Everyone cheers. "For today's challenge, as a team, you will row a canoe across the water. On your way, there are 4 buoys with nets attached, as you pass each one, you will untie them and add them to your canoe. Once you return to shore, you will remove the boxes from the nets and build a tower. First team to build a tower that stands for 5 seconds wins reward. Want to know what you're playing for?" Everyone cheers. "The winning tribe will receive..." Alec removes a cover, revealing the reward. "...deck chairs for their camp. Worth playing for?" Everyone cheers. "All right. Green, you have 2 extra players, you'll need to sit out 2 people, blue, you have 1 extra player, you'll need to sit out 1 person. Can't sit out the same person in back to back challenges. Who's it going to be?" Marc and Marinette from green and Mireille from blue raise their hands. "Ok, Marc, Marinette and Mireille, you're on the bench. Everyone else, I'll give you a minute to strategise, then we'll get started."

Red mat.

Nathaniel: "Who's not good at rowing?"

Luka: "I have virtually no experience in this regard."

Nathaniel: "Ok, you can be at the back steering."

Adrien: "How do you have no experience? Don't you live on a boat?"

Luka: "A sailboat, not a rowboat."

Alix: "Building the tower will require stability, so I'll handle that."

Green mat.

Sabrina: "To build the tower, we're going to need someone with steady hands. Alya, your blog involves a lot of phone handling, right?"

Alya: "That's right."

Sabrina: "So, we'll pass you the blocks and you build the tower."

Jalil: "Too easy."

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