Day 4 - Reward

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All players enter a challenge area, where Alec is waiting.

Alec: "Come on in, guys." The green and blue teams take place on their coloured mats, shortly followed by red. "Green and blue getting your first look at the new red tribe. Chloe voted out in last night's tribal council." Sabrina lowers her head. "Sabrina, are you disappointed to see Chloe leave so early?"

Sabrina: "Absolutely, yeah. Our main goal was to be able to play together, so it's a shame we won't get to do that."

Alec: "Luka, what was the situation like when you got back to camp last night?"

Luka: "Our efforts were mainly focused on collecting ourselves together so that we can come over today and start taking some prizes home."

Alec: "All right. Everyone ready to get to today's reward challenge?" Everyone cheers. "For today's challenge, one person from each team will attempt to memorise a series of items. You will then return to our station and replicate that same pattern. First person to do so wins a point for their tribe. First tribe to 5 points wins reward. Want to know what you're playing for?" Everyone cheers. "Winning tribe will receive a startup fishing kit, including a set of masks, snorkels, spears and some line. Worth playing for?" Everyone cheers. "Before we get started, green and blue, you each have an extra player, you'll have to sit someone out. Who's it going to be?" After a quick glance around their respective teams, Nora and Kim raise their hand. "All right, Nora and Kim, you're on the bench. Everyone else, I'll give you a minute to strategise, then we'll get started."

Aurore: "Can we send the same person more than once?"

Alec: "Not until everyone's had a turn."

Red mat.

Mylene: "Ok, how do we do this?"

Alix: "I think speed is going to be an important factor. The fastest you can get back, the sooner you can start copying the setup."

Lila: "I have to disagree, Alix. Doing the job fast is worth nothing if you don't do it right."

Luka: "What do you suggest?"

Lila: "Both would be ideal, but I think precision should be favoured over speed."

Green mat.

Nino: "So, dudes, do we just obliterate this challenge or what?"

Marinette: "That's the idea, but we need a plan of action."

Sabrina: "I'm thinking these patterns might get harder as we go deeper into the challenge. I say save our best until last."

Alya: "That makes sense."

Ali: "Going on Sabrina's plan, who do you suggest goes first?"

Blue mat.

Zoe: "This should be easy. We all know Max would absolutely steamroll this challenge."

Max: "That will get us 1 round, maybe 2 if it lasts long enough."

Ondine: "Yeah, and we do need to take turns. Otherwise, this would've been easy."

After the teams have finished establishing their strategy, the first members take their position.

Alec: "Alright, for round 1, we have Rose for red taking on Nino for green and Felix for blue. First round, you will have 4 objects to memorise."

Felix: "Too easy."

Alec: "One more thing. First person to head back, I raise the shield, you can no longer see the items."

Alec lowers the shield, allowing view of, in order, a silver pole, a black square-based pyramid, a green soccer ball and a blue paper fan. All 3 pay close attention to these items and after a little while, Nino runs back, causing Alec to raise the shield, concealing the items. Nino is first to reach the table, followed by Felix, then Rose and they start searching through items in the chest underneath the table to match the pattern. Felix very rapidly places his items, then signals Alec.

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