Day 13 - Green Camp

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Green tribe members arrive at camp.

Marc: "What happened in that challenge?"

Nora: "I don't know." Turns to Sabrina. "Something you want to tell us?"

Sabrina: "Like what?"

Nora: "We were taking a clean sweep until you went up there. Wasn't it your idea to lose the challenge?"

Sabrina: "Again, that's not what I said."

Alya: "Perhaps you could clarify what you actually said?"

Sabrina: "I said we need to think long term. I said it would be best to avoid becoming a target."

Nora: "And your idea of that was to lose the challenge?"

Sabrina: "Still not what I said. I said tactical withdrawal."

Nora: "Same thing in my book."

Sabrina: "Well-" Sigh. "You know what? I can't deal with this right now." Walks away.

Nora: "Looks like an admission of guilt to me."

Nino: "We just need to hold our nerve."

Nora: (confessional) "As a professional boxer, I know a serious attempt when I see one and Sabrina definitely didn't put as much effort into her 2nd attempt as she did with her 1st one."

Ali and Jalil catch up with Sabrina.

Ali: "Do you want someone to talk to?"

Sabrina: "That would be nice, thank you."

Jalil: "So, what's our next move?"

Sabrina: "We need allies. Who have we got?"

Jalil: "Marc is trying to work with us, serving as a double agent."

Sabrina: "Ok, that's 4, is there anyone else?"

Jalil: "There might be Juleka, but that's currently a work in progress."

Ali: "This isn't about a potential tribal council, is it?"

Sabrina: "No, it's about Miracle Island. We currently have an advantage, if they get a miraculous, we lose that advantage."

Sabrina: (confessional; Butterfly Miraculous) "I didn't want us to win today's reward for one very simple reason; Miracle Island. If I could trick everyone into sending me again, that would be a different story, but at the end of the last reward challenge, Zoe told Marinette about what's on Miracle Island, so that's not an option. The only thing that's left is to keep my advantage for as long as possible."

Back at the shelter.

Marc: "You don't really think Sabrina lost on challenge on purpose, do you?"

Nora: "Her effort today didn't seem as serious as the rest of us."

Marc: "But why would someone intentionally lose a challenge?"

Alya: "Must have something to do with Miracle Island. If Sabrina is aware that she's not likely to be sent again, it would make sense to try to keep us from getting there either."

Juleka: "That sounds like something Sabrina might do."

Nino: "So if she can't have it, then we can't either. That is not cool."

Alya: "The question is now, what do we do about it?"

Nora: "If Sabrina is intent on losing challenges, I reckon we do just that."

Marinette: "You can't be serious."

Nora: "You want to keep putting up with her antics?" Marinette stays quiet. "Didn't think so."

Alya: "Do we know what this miraculous does?"

Marinette: "No. I'll have to ask Zoe for more details."

Marc: "Back in a minute."

Marc picks up his water bottle and moves to the well, where he meets Sabrina also filling her water bottle.

Sabrina: "What's new?"

Marc: "Nora is intending to get you out."

Sabrina: Pauses in confusion. "Nora does realise we're not going to tribal council?"

Marc: "She intends to throw tomorrow's challenge."

Sabrina: "I see. And the others?"

Marc: "Alya will go along with almost anything Nora says and through Alya, Nino will also go along."

Sabrina: "As expected. What about Juleka and Marinette?"

Marc: "I expect Marinette may be the easiest to convince, but low bar."  Sabrina nods in acknowledgement. "That said, Marinette does intend to learn more about the miraculous."

Sabrina: "I'll keep an eye out for that. And Juleka?"

Marc: "No details on Juleka yet."

Sabrina: "Ok, thank you."

Marc: "Any time." Turns to leave.

Sabrina: "And Marc?"

Marc: Stops. "Yes?"

Sabrina: Smiles. "Thank you."

Marc: "You just said that."

Sabrina: "For your vote."

Marc smiles in return, then leaves.

Marc: (confessional) "My current role as a double agent is reliant on ambiguity of my intentions. As soon as we go to tribal council and we're forced to make a vote, my ambiguity is terminated. So, I'd like to avoid tribal council for as long as possible and if that means I have to double down tomorrow, then that's what I'll do."

Marc returns to the shelter, Ali and Jalil are there as well.

Marc: "We're not really going to throw the challenge, are we?"

Nora: "Do you have a better idea?"

Marc: "Intentionally losing a challenge might backfire. I reckon we wait until we lose a challenge for real before we do anything."

Ali: "That makes sense. There's no need to lose another member."

Nora: "It won't backfire if we stay together. So, unless someone's working against us?"

Marc: "I'm just saying that since Sabrina's been to Miracle Island, she'll have some kind of trick up her sleeve. And if you're not careful, you might be the one she targets."

Sabrina arrives.

Juleka: "Speak of the devil."

Sabrina: "Hello. How are we going?"

Alya: "Not bad."

Sabrina: "What's new?"

Nora: "We're just trying to strategise challenge approaches."

Sabrina: "We can do that when we see what the challenge is."

Ali: "It's good to get ideas beforehand."

Sabrina: "What ideas have we got?"

Marc: "Most of these seem to involve a puzzle of some kind. Normally, I take the puzzles, but I'd be willing to let someone else do it depending on what else is in the challenge."

Jalil: "I could be your substitute."

Nora: Looks directly at Sabrina. "Well, let's just see what tomorrow brings."

Nora: (confessional) "Marc wants to wait until we lose a challenge 'for real' before voting someone out. I don't see why he needs to wait. If losing a challenge is what it will take to get Sabrina out, then I can see to that."

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