Tribal Council Aftermath - Blue Camp

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The blue tribe members return to camp.

Felix: (confessional; Cat Miraculous) "Fireworks have lit up tonight, tribal council went exactly to plan. The other alliance is broken, and the way forward has been laid bare."

Ondine: "Would someone like to explain what that was?"

Max: "Yeah, I'd like to ask the same question. Felix?"

Felix: "Yes?"

Max: "Would you like to explain what just happened?"

Felix: "What's there to explain? 5 votes on Mireille were negated, leaving one of you vulnerable. It was effectively Russian Roulette and Kim got the bullet, sorry to say."

Zoe: "Wow. Toxic, much?"

Mireille: "You know what they say. Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to. Now, can we go to sleep? Please?"

Max: "Fine. But we'll be continuing this conversation tomorrow."

Felix: "Sure."

Kagami: (confessional) "I don't think Felix realises just how badly he's damaged the structure of this tribe. Not just in terms of challenge capability, because there's a massive link that we're now missing, but also in terms of how we operate in camp. I can tell you right now, there will be arguments all over the place."

The players go to sleep.


As the Sun rises, the players wake up. Ondine stares across the beach into the horizon.

Ondine: (confessional) "So last night, the plan was to vote Mireille in order to maintain the winning streak that we started with. Unfortunately, Felix had other plans and as a result, Kim was sent home. Why did it have to be Kim? We have no idea."

Felix and Max.

Max: "Alright, as promised. What was your idea in voting out Kim last night?"

Felix: "One side against another side. That's all this is. Someone had to go, and I was going to make sure it wasn't someone from my side."

Max: "Well, that clears things up nicely."

Felix: "Glad I could help."

Max: (confessional) "Felix has just demonstrated that he's not interested in being a team player. He's playing his own game, which he has a right to, but I think his allies deserve to know."

Aurore and Mireille.

Aurore: "I'm still coming down from last night's high. Was that not the best thing we've seen?"

Mireille: "I know, right. Hard to believe I'm still here?"

Aurore: "What do you think should be our next step?"

Mireille: "I think for now, we should lay low, help around camp, because that seemed to be what drew most of last night's attention and hopefully, the target comes off us."

Felix and Wayhem approach.

Felix: "How are you going after last night?"

Mireille: "Mainly just ecstatic. I still can't believe you did that."

Felix: "One of my allies was in danger. I wasn't going to simply stand by and do nothing. So would you be ready to discuss business, or do you still need time to recover?"

Aurore: "Actually, we were just talking about that. Do you have any ideas?"

Felix: "First of all, there's no real need to change gears. We just keep it in drive, set it on cruise control and at the very least, we can lock the vote."

Wayhem: "So, do we take out another big player?"

Felix: "No, we don't want to sink the tribe too far, because then we won't make the long haul."

Mireille: "I agree. I think Zoe."

Aurore: "Yeah, she's been very outspoken lately, which could be a problem."

Mireille: (confessional) "Last night was just the beginning. We voted Kim out in the hopes of further splitting the other alliance. Now, we just need to wait and see if we were right."

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