Day 1 - Green camp

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The green team members arrive at their camp.

Nora: "This is a pretty nasty setback."

Ali: "Not really. I'd say we have earned the status of underdog."

Nino: "I agree. If we remain vigilant, we can show the other teams that we're not as weak as we appear."

Marc: "Amen to that."

Alya: "Meanwhile, we have to do something about our current situation. I don't suppose anyone knows how to rub sticks together?"

Juleka: "I'll go get some firewood."

Sabrina: (confessional) "You know, rewards are great and all, but they're not the bread and butter of this game. The core aspect that determines who stays and who goes as the game progresses is immunity. So long as we can win that, we'll be good."

Alya: (confessional) "I was really ecstatic when our team colours were selected and I pulled the same colour as my sister Nora, my boyfriend Nino and close friends Marinette and Juleka. What we have here is the perfect setup to take us all to the end."

Alya and Nino, across the beach.

Nino: "Dude, it has got to be said that I was extremely stoked when we were placed on the same team."

Alya: "Me too. This is a very ideal tribe selection for us. I mean, we're surrounded by a lot of friends and not too many enemies."

Nino: "But if we keep losing, then eventually we would have to vote out our friends."

Alya: "I'll never vote you out."

Nino: "Same."

Nino: (confessional) "So, me, Alya, Nora, Marinette, Juleka, that's our majority already. Too easy, dudes."

Sabrina and Ali.

Sabrina: "I would like to think I can trust you."

Ali: "Thank you. You as well."

Sabrina: "If you're willing to work together, you're someone I can see taking to the end."

Ali: "Certainly worth thinking about. Can I get back to you?"

Sabrina: "Take as much time as you need."

Ali: (confessional) "As much as an alliance is required and Sabrina's proposition is tempting, at this point I think I'll wait and see where the majority lies before making a decision."

Sabrina and Jalil.

Jalil: "From what I can gather, this game is one that needs trust."

Sabrina: "That's right. I can see us working together."

Jalil: "Sounds good. Who else do you have currently?"

Sabrina: "Currently, you're the first person I've talked to."

Jalil: "Ok, I'll trust you. Do I have that same trust with you?"

Sabrina: "Yes. But you have to trust me, no matter what."

Jalil: "I know."

Jalil: (confessional) "At this point, I'm still learning the ropes. As it appears, alliances are needed to succeed, in which case, first come first serve."

Sabrina: (confessional) "Many years of being Chloe's BFF and seeing to her every need has taught me to be very observant. I know an alliance forming when I see it, so I need to hurry and form my own alliance before I find myself cast out."

Alya, Nino, Juleka and Marinette.

Nino: "Yo, if you want, we can all work together."

Marinette: "Us plus Nora, right?"

Alya: "That's right."

Marinette: "You don't need to ask me twice. I'm in. Juleka, what do you think?"

Juleka: "Sounds cool."

Nino: "Anyone else that we want to include?"

Marinette: "I'm thinking Marc may be a possibility. I'd also like to try to work with Sabrina if possible."

Alya: "Ok, we can talk to Marc. Are you sure about Sabrina, though? If she's allowed to reunite with Chloe, that'll lose us an ally."

Marinette: "Maybe, but that's a risk I'm prepared to take. I'd just like to request your support and we can make it happen."

Marinette: (confessional) "Although I understand Alya's concern regarding Sabrina's ties with Chloe, for now they are separated, which means Sabrina will have to play her own game. If we can lean into that, I believe we can liberate her, if that's the right word to use."

Back at camp, Nora is rubbing sticks together in an attempt to start a fire. Sabrina approaches.

Sabrina: "Hello. What was your name? Nora, was it?"

Nora: "That's right."

Sabrina: "You're Alya's sister, aren't you?"

Nora: "Yes. What about it?"

Sabrina: "Would you be open to potentially working together?"

Nora: "To be honest, until I can get this camp built, I'm not open to discuss anything."

Sabrina: "Anything I can do to help?"

Nora: "That depends. What do you know about construction?"

Sabrina: "If it's worth anything, I have studied Physics and Engineering."

Nora: "You're hired. Grab some logs and palm leaves and see what you can do."

Sabrina leaves to collect construction materials as Alya, Nino and Marinette arrive.

Alya: "How's the fire going?"

Nora: "Not great. We're not going to get very far until we can get this started."

Sabrina returns with a large log.

Sabrina: "Hi. I could use some help gathering construction materials for the shelter."

Nino: "What do you need?"

Sabrina: "Some logs for base support and palm leaves to keep the rain out."

Marinette: "I'll help."

Marinette goes with Sabrina to gather materials.

Marinette: "What do you think of working together?"

Sabrina: "At the moment, I'm not sure if I'm ready to commit to anything."

Marinette: "That's ok."

Sabrina: "I'll tell you what I can do though. We can keep in each other in the loop."

Marinette: "Sounds good."

Sabrina: (confessional) "My attempt to align with Marinette was really to keep in the loop about Alya's operations. In reality, I haven't studied Engineering and it was Particle Physics, so nothing on this scale. But while I'm here, I'd might as well see what I can build. Who knows? I may even surprise myself."

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