Day 14 - Immunity

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All players enter a challenge field where Alec awaits them.

Alec: "Come on in, guys." The players stand on their respective tribe mats. "Felix, what did you think of yesterday's reward?"

Felix: Chuckles. "It was refreshing. Nice to have some proper food once in a while."

Alec: "Ivan, you've been to 3 out of 4 tribal councils so far."

Ivan: "No need to remind us."

Alec: "Yeah, I guess your dwindling size is a bit of a giveaway." Ivan glares at Alec. "How would you like to avoid going back there?"

Ivan: "Very much. I'm sick of going to tribal council."

Alec: "Kagami, is blue the team to beat?"

Kagami: "We've been winning a lot of challenges, so absolutely, we are."

Sabrina turns her head in confusion.

Alec: "Sabrina, you don't agree?"

Sabrina: "It's just that we still have a full group, so I don't know what you're talking about."

Alec: "Sounds like this needs to be settled in an immunity challenge. You ready for it?" Everyone cheers. "First, I'm going to need to take the totems back." Marc and Max walk forward with their respective tribal totems. "Thank you Marc and Max. Once again, immunity is up for grabs. For today's challenge, in pairs, you're going to swim out to a cage in the water where you will retrieve a key. Once you've retrieved all 3 keys, you'll use them to unlock your shackles and more importantly, a chest full of puzzle pieces which you'll use to solve a puzzle. First 2 tribes to solve the puzzle win immunity, safe from the vote. Blue has 2 extra players, you'll need to sit 2 people out, green has 3 extra players, you'll need to sit 3 people out. As always, can't sit out the same people in back to back challenges, who's it going to be?" Alya, Marc, Nino, Max and Zoe raise their hands. "Ok, you're on the bench. Everyone else, I'll give you a minute to strategise, then we'll get started."

Red mat.

Alix: "We need to think about who's going to be tethered together, so we don't want our fastest swimmer tied to our slowest, that'll just slow us down."

Nathaniel: "Ok, so who's our slowest in the water?"

Mylene: "Probably me."

Rose: "I think me as well."

Alix: "Ok, so Mylene and Rose together, I'll go with Ivan, which leaves Adrien with Nathaniel. Who's doing the puzzle?"

Rose: "I'll give it a go."

Ivan: "Perfect. Let's win this."

Green mat.

Ali: "Alright, Marc usually does the puzzle, but that's not an option. Who wants it?"

Sabrina: "I'll volunteer."

Marinette: "Ok. How about our pairing?"

Jalil: "Well, each pair is only going to be as fast is its slowest member, so pair with someone who won't slow you down as much."

Nora: "Who's good in the water?" Juleka raises her hand. "Good, you can pair with me."

Sabrina: "Jalil, you want to pair with me?"

Jalil: "Thought you'd never ask."

Sabrina: Gives Jalil an unamused look. "Ok."

Blue mat.

Aurore: "So, I guess Max isn't doing the puzzle today. Then who?"

Felix: To Kagami. "You want to take this one or shall I?"

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