Day 11 - Immunity

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All players enter a challenge field where Alec awaits them and it's once again raining.

Alec: "Come on in, guys." The players stand on their respective tribe mats. "Alya, what was it like to see blue not win a challenge for once?"

Alya: "It's certainly brought out the competitive edge within us."

Alec: "You ready to bring in another win today."

Alya: "Absolutely."

Alec: "Glad to hear it. Now, let's shift our focus to red. Ivan, how have you been handling the weather lately?"

Ivan: "Not so great. The fire went out in the rain and whenever we tried to restart it, the rain put it out again."

Felix: "Maybe you'd have better luck if the wood were dry."

Ivan: "Thanks for the tip. Don't suppose you have an umbrella we could borrow?"

Aurore: "No, I don't have my umbrella with me."

Alec: "Everyone ready for today's immunity challenge?" Everyone cheers. "For today's challenge, one of you will uncover a panel that will show a symbol, you'll then row out to a board that will have several various symbols displayed. When you think you know what it means, come back to shore and enter a number in a padlock, then you'll tag the next person in and repeat. If all the numbers are correct, the compartment will unlock revealing bags of puzzle pieces. It will then be up to the final member to use the pieces to construct a puzzle. First 2 teams to successfully do so win immunity, safe from the vote. Green, you have 2 extra players, you'll need to sit 2 people out, blue, you have 1 extra player, you'll need to sit one person out, can't sit out the same person in back to back challenges. Who's it going to be?"

Zoe raises her hand. After looking around briefly, Alya and Nino raise their hands.

Alec: "Alya, Nino and Zoe are on the bench." As Nino, Sabrina and Zoe walk towards the bench, Zoe looks in Marinette's direction for a second. Marinette shakes her head. "Everyone else, I'll give you a minute to strategise, then we'll get started."

Red mat.

Mylene: "I'll volunteer for the puzzle. I couldn't row to save my life."

Luka: "Everyone agree with that?"

Rose: "Sounds good to me."

Luka: "Let's do it, then. We can't lose this today."

Ivan: "You got this."

Green mat.

Marc: "I can take the puzzle."

Jalil: "Ok, what order should we go in?"

Marinette: "The sooner we can learn what the rule is, the easier it will be. I'm thinking either Jalil or Sabrina go first. If you can figure out what the rule is, simply tell us and that'll save us the trouble of working it out ourselves."

Sabrina: "I'll take this."

Blue mat.

Kagami: "Max, you'll be on the puzzle as usual."

Max: "Yep."

Wayhem: "We're going to need a strategy going into this."

Felix: "The sooner we can decode whatever's on that board, the faster we'll get this done. So, it's important the first person out there can decode the symbols." To Kagami. "Would you like to do that or shall I?"

Kagami: "I can do that."

The players take their positions.

Alec: "All right, on the puzzle, we have Mylene for red, Marc for green and Max for blue. For immunity, survivors ready. Go!"

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