Day 5 & 6 - Blue Camp

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The blue tribe members arrive at camp.

Kagami: "Well, this is not exactly ideal."

Kim: "How did this happen?"

Max: "No idea. First in 3 challenges, straight to last."

Kim: "So now what?"

Zoe: "Now, we have a decision to make."

Aurore and Mireille leave in one direction, while Kagami, Kim, Max, Ondine and Zoe leave in another direction, leaving Felix and Wayhem.

Wayhem: "Hey, Felix."

Felix: "Yes?"

Wayhem: "There's something I've been meaning to ask you."

Felix: "Ok?"

Wayhem: "Miracle Island yesterday. You voted to send me. Why?"

Felix: Sighs, then smiles. "It's called 'Miracle Island' for a reason."

Felix reveals the ladybug miraculous to Wayhem.

Wayhem: "What is that?"

Felix: "I believe it has something to do with the upcoming tribal council and I intend to use it."

Wayhem: "You found that on Miracle Island?"

Felix: "Yes. And if there are more of these out there, I'd prefer if they were in the hands of my allies. Speaking of which, let's catch up with the girls."

Wayhem: "Right behind you."

Felix: (confessional; Ladybug & Cat Miraculous) "I'm good with throwing at targets, I can move through entangled obstacles relatively quickly, I could've easily helped the team win today's challenge. But my concern wasn't the challenge, my concern is how to improve my position in this tribe and in the game overall. And the best way to do that is with a sneaky little blindside."

Kagami, Kim, Max, Ondine and Zoe, at the well.

Ondine: "Anyone have any ideas?"

Kim: "I thought we'd already agreed on Felix."

Zoe: "That's true. I think it's safe to say that none of us trust Felix. And the fact that he's spent less time here means it shouldn't be hard to get the others to join in."

Kagami: "That was directly our doing."

Zoe: "Fair point."

Max: "We need to think ahead, though. We want to stay on top and not be in this position for the time being, which means keeping those who can perform in these challenges. Unfortunately, that means we need Felix for the time being."

Zoe: "But can we trust Felix?"

Kagami: "We don't need to. We just need to keep a close eye on him."

Ondine: "So, not Felix then. Wayhem?"

Max: "I think we still have time to convince Wayhem to work with us, so let's not close that door just yet."

Zoe: "At any rate, Felix trusts Wayhem. If we vote Wayhem out, there's no telling what Felix might do."

Kagami: "Yeah, and the last thing this tribe needs is chaos."

Kim: "I thought that was why we'd agreed on Felix."

Max: "We're keeping Felix contained because right now, we still need him."

Ondine: "So, it's either Aurore or Mireille."

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