Day 14 & 15 - Blue Camp

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DAY 14

The blue tribe members arrive at camp.

Zoe: "Well, what do we do now?"

Ondine: "I know what I'm doing."

Ondine runs towards the ocean, followed by Kagami, Max and Zoe.

Aurore: "So, what do we do?"

Felix strokes his chin in thought.

Wayhem: "What are you thinking?"

Felix: "Why would Max sit out of a puzzle challenge unless he was trying to sabotage the tribe?"

Wayhem: "Did you get the miraculous yesterday?" Felix shakes his head. "So, that's means Max has it?"

Felix: "That's right."

Mireille: "So, do we vote Max?"

Felix: "No, he'll expect that. We'll need to be a bit smarter."

Felix: (confessional; Cat Miraculous) "Max sitting out of today's challenge when there was a puzzle was without a doubt an attempt to sabotage the challenge. If Max wants to go to tribal council, then I'm more than happy to oblige him. He's not as in control as he thinks he is."

Kagami, Max, Ondine and Zoe, in the water.

Max: "What happened today?"

Kagami: "Felix and I were debating who would do the puzzle."

Max: "And you let him take it."

Kagami: "He said he could do it. He's definitely let us down."

Zoe: "I was watching from the side and it looked like Felix wasn't at peak performance. I could understanding losing to Sabrina, but Rose?"

Kagami: "Speaking of which, why were you sitting out, Max?"

Max: "All of us had to be in the water and I'm not a strong swimmer."

Ondine: "I can understand that."

Kagami: "I don't know about you, but I know where my vote's going."

Max: "Same."

Zoe: "What if Felix has another miraculous, like last time?"

Kagami: "We have one as well and we get him, or more precisely one of his allies, on the revote."

Zoe: "How, unless we can get a 5th voter?"

Max: "Because I've got one as well."

Ondine: "Seriously? What does it look like?"

Max: "Found it on Miracle Island, it's a brooch."

Kagami: "So it gets played on the revote..."

Zoe: "...And Felix is out of tricks."

Max: "Bingo."

Zoe: (confessional) "My eyes don't lie and we were in the lead when the puzzle started, which it is 100% Felix's fault that we're in this position. I'm normally a forgiving person, but one thing I won't stand for is treachery."

Aurore, Felix, Mireille and Wayhem, at the shelter.

Wayhem: "If Max has the miraculous, won't we need someone else on our side?"

Felix: "Probably."

Wayhem: "Who do you think?"

Mireille: "My guess would be Ondine."

Felix: "Ondine?"

Mireille: "Yeah. I don't see Ondine being as tightly bound as the other 3. If any of them are likely to turn with us, it'll be her."

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