Day 16 - Red Camp

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The red tribe members return to camp to find their new shower system.

Rose: "That was a great strategy, Mylene. Well done."

Ivan: "And it won the challenge for us."

Nathaniel: "Only barely, but a win is a win, I'll take it."

Adrien: "We can only use this one at a time, who wants to go first?"

Rose: "I think it should be Ivan, given his effort today." Ivan steps behind the shower wall, turns the tap and his shorts hang over the top of the wall. "So, why did you all vote for Alix today?"

Ivan: "Hey, where's the soap?"

Adrien: "What do you mean?"

Ivan: "I mean, there's no soap."

Mylene: "There has to be." Mylene moves behind the shower wall for moment, then returns. Rose gets a mortified look on her face. "There's no soap."

Nathaniel: "I guess we'll have to make do. This is the only reward we've one so far, beggars can't be choosers."

Rose: "Please tell me he was facing away from you."

Mylene: "What does that have to do with soap?"

Rose: "You know what, never mind."

Nathaniel: "Anyway, what were you asking?"

Rose: "I don't know anymore."

Rose: (confessional) "So, Ivan is first in the shower and he discovers that there's no soap which is bad enough in itself because I'd like to be able to smell like something other than seawater. But if that wasn't bad enough, without hesitation, Mylene walks in front of the shower with Ivan there because of course she does. I'm certain of 2 things. First, aside from his mother, Mylene is the only person who would do that. Second, that's a mental image I'll never get rid of."

Ivan grabs his shorts from the shower wall.

Ivan: "I'm just about done here. Who's next?"

Rose: "Might as well be me." Rose walks towards shower, then stops suddenly just before the opening. "Promise me you've got your pants on."

Ivan walks out of the shower.

Ivan: "You getting in?"

Rose: "Thank you."

Rose steps behind the shower wall and her bikini hangs over the top of the wall.

Ivan: "I think Rose's question still stands. Why did the 2 of you vote for Alix?"

Adrien: "Immediately after the challenge, Felix told me about something called Miracle Island and how it's actually advantageous to go there."

Mylene: "And you decided to send Alix. Did she know about this?"

Nathaniel: "It was her idea."

Ivan: "And that makes it ok, does it? What if he's lying?"

Mylene: "I have to admit, Felix is not the most trustworthy person out there."

Adrien: "That's still better than having no information at all."

Rose grabs her bikini from the shower wall.

Rose: "And you're trusting Felix of all people?"

Adrien: "We'll know when Alix returns if he was telling the truth."

Rose emerges from the shower.

Rose: "Who's next?"

Adrien: "Mylene?"

Mylene: "Ok." Mylene steps behind the shower wall. "Ivan, can you help me? I can't reach the top of the wall."

Ivan joins Mylene and hangs her tank top over the top of the shower wall. Rose shakes her head worriedly.

Ivan: "Can you reach those?"

Mylene: "Yes."

Ivan: "Ok." Steps out from behind the shower wall. To Adrien. "You still haven't answered the question."

Nathaniel: "Which question was that?"

Ivan: "What happens if Felix is lying?"

Adrien: "If that turns out to be the case, then we'll deal with it as it happens."

Ivan: "And why didn't you share this information with the rest of us?"

Adrien: "I only had a limited time to act."

Ivan: "And you chose Alix and Nathaniel over the rest of us because...?"

Adrien: "Because that's who I chose."

Nathaniel: "Are we going to need a lawyer?"

Ivan: "Only if you're feeling guilty."

Adrien: "My reasons are my own."

Ivan: "So be it."

Ivan: (confessional) "Who Adrien shares his information with speaks volumes about who he wants to work with. I'm not surprised that Mylene and I weren't in that group, but leaving out Rose was a mistake that we may be able to exploit should it be needed."


Alix arrives on Miracle Island, disembarks from the boat and washes her face in the sea before proceeding onto the island, where she finds a sign.

Alix: "Ok, what do you got? 'We welcome you, to where the game gets rough. To face it, you'll have to be tough. In your search you'll find a lucky charm, that will prevent your game from coming to harm. When it comes to quality, there never is enough.' Ok, interesting."

Alix finds a tall tree and climbs it to the top.

Alix: (confessional) "This island seems pretty small, so you should be able to see most of it given enough height. My idea to climb the tree was to use it as a lookout to try to spot anything that seems out of place."

Alix surveys the island from the treetop for a little while and notices something in the distance that looks pure white in the middle of all the greenery.

Alix: Points. "That doesn't look like it belongs."

Alix climbs down the tree and moves towards the white she saw, eventually finding a porcelain bathtub surrounded by small green shrubs. Alix searches through the shrubs and finds a black hexagonal box and within, a pair of red earrings with back spots and a note.

Alix: "This must be it. 'Congratulations, you have found the Miraculous of the Ladybug. This Miraculous has the power to keep you safe at tribal council should you choose to play it. In addition, if unified with the Miraculous of the Cat, they can ensure safety even after the votes have been read. Last opportunity to play this miraculous is final 5.' This officially changes everything."

Alix: (confessional; Ladybug Miraculous) "I may be in a majority in my tribe at the moment, but at the rate we're going, we probably won't be in a majority when the tribes inevitably come together. So, having this miraculous will certainly come in handy further down the road."

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