Tribal Council Aftermath - Red Camp

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The red tribe members arrive at camp which has not had a chance to dry because it's still raining.

Luka: (confessional) "Well, tonight's vote was almost to plan. Lila was attempting to overthrow me as I suspected and we've put a stop to that. Unfortunately, during her time here, Lila did manage to pick up a few followers, so I need to work out who's still doing her bidding."

Ivan: "We'll need to get this fire going if we want any hope of eating tomorrow."

Alix: "We'll need to rebuild the shelter before that's even possible."

Luka: "Let's not waste any sleep over it. We can do that tomorrow. It should stop raining by then."

The tribe members gather in the shelter wreck and Ivan cuddles Mylene.

Rose: "I don't think we're going to get much sleep in this whether."

Luka: "Hopefully, it will stop before too long."

Lightning flashes in the sky, followed by loud thunder. Mylene screams.

Ivan: "This will be over tomorrow. It won't rain for 2 days in a row, surely."

Nathaniel: (confessional) "So, tonight I voted for Lila instead of Luka as was originally planned. To be honest, I'm still questioning whether that was the right decision. But the reason is I didn't want to risk an open rift in the tribe and to lock the vote would've done exactly that."

A few hours later, Alix stands up from the shelter and moves to a nearby palm tree. Adrien follows her.

Alix: "At least there's some means of shelter here."

Adrien: "Yeah. Mind if I join you?"

Alix: "Not at all."

Adrien sits next to Alix.

Adrien: "What are your thoughts after tonight?"

Alix: "If Lila's assessment was correct, then we're going to have an uphill battle. We'll know for certain soon enough." Lightning flashes, followed by thunder. Mylene doesn't move. "Has Mylene actually fallen asleep?"

Adrien: "Looks like it. We should do the same."

Adrien and Alix sleep by the palm tree.

DAY 10

The morning sunlight peeks through the clouds. It's still raining. Adrien and Alix wake up and regroup with the rest of the tribe.

Ivan: "What is this, a monsoon?"

Alix: "Probably."

Luka: "Won't do any good sulking over it."

Adrien: "It probably won't be very successful, but can we at least try to rebuild the shelter?"

Ivan: "Yeah, we could try, but I wouldn't get my hopes up."

Mylene: "What do you need?"

Ivan: "Some more of these palm leaves."

Alix: "I can weave them for you."

Ivan: "Well then, would you like to join us?"

Alix, Ivan and Mylene leave to gather some leaves.

Rose: "While they're doing that, I'll refill our water bottles."

Luka: "I'll help."

Luka and Rose collect everyone's bottles and head to the well. Another lightning flash is seen in the distance followed by a thunder rumble.

Alix: "In all seriousness, we probably won't be able to put this together until the storm passes."

Ivan: "How long until that happens?"

Alix: "I have no idea."

Mylene: "What about the weather girls? Could we ask them today?"

Alix: "We could try. Can't guarantee they'd give us the information, though."  Ivan and Mylene hand a couple of palm leaves to Alix. "Thanks, I'll start working on these."

Ivan and Mylene leave to find more dry materials. Meanwhile, Alix overhears Luka and Rose by the well.

Luka: "You know, weather aside, today is certainly a high note."

Rose: "How do you mean?"

Luka: "Now that Lila's gone, we're in full control. As a group of 4, whatever we say goes."

Rose: "I never thought about that. I'd like to not have to vote someone out for a change."

Luka: "Yeah, anything except that."

As Luka and Rose leave, Alix is in a state of shock.

Rose: (confessional) "Given the effect the weather is having on the state of our camp and the mood of our tribe, Luka's positive attitude is probably the only thing keeping us going at the moment. But if we're going to continue, we may need more than just a positive attitude."

Alix: (confessional) "Overhearing that conversation has been very telling. It is now clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that Lila was right."

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