178. Twoset Veterinarian XVI (Liszt's curse 6)

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A/N: This is the sixth and final episode of a short story within the Twoset Veterinarian series. The previous chapters are:

173. Twoset Veterinarian XI

174. Twoset Veterinarian XII

175. Twoset Veterinarian XIII

176. Twoset Veterinarian XIV

177. Twoset Veterinarian XV


Eddy turned back towards the bookshelf. Liszt looked pissed. His mouth opened wide as he let out another long hiss, his pupils were in thin vertical slits and his ears flattened like aeroplane wings.


Eddy then sensed Clyde standing right behind him.


Eddy's vision blurred with tears.

Oh my god how much punishment am I copping today!?

Eddy wasn't sure what scared him more. Clyde whispering his name as he felt the intruder's hand grip the back of his neck, or Liszt letting out another hiss as he leapt from the top of the bookshelf towards him.



Eddy was pushed forward by Clyde's hand and he fell face first onto his bed. He scrambled around in panic and pushed himself up with his arms as quickly as possible and turned around.

The screaming continued.

What Eddy saw was Clyde screaming and struggling with Liszt. Liszt was fierce; clinging onto, biting and clawing Clyde all over his face.

Eddy watched, mouth agape in utter confusion.

Liszt..?! He's.. protecting me..!?

Clyde had staggered backwards, out of the bedroom. After sounds of further struggles, Eddy heard his front door being opened. It sounded as if Clyde managed to get away from Liszt. He heard the soft click of the autolock of his front door as it closed shut. The unit became quiet again.

Eddy's bedroom door was now wide open. Eddy saw Liszt had come back to the bedroom. Liszt stopped right by the bedroom door frame, sat down and started licking his fur, grooming himself as he always did after a kerfuffle. Then he looked up towards Eddy and meowed in the sweetest tone, as Eddy had always remembered him.


Liszt meowed sweetly again.

"You... saved me. Is that why you.. came back?"

Liszt slowly blinked.

"Liszt.. I.. I thought you hated me..."

Again, Liszt meowed sweetly in his usual intonation.

Tears welled up in Eddy's eyes, blurring his vision.

"Thank you boy..."

Eddy blinked and let his tears fall. He quickly wiped his tears with his sleeve. When he opened his eyes again, Liszt was gone.

With trembling hands, Eddy picked up his phone to contact the police.

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