chapter 15 | flashback

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f i v e y e a r s a g o

I dropped off my Firefly at her workplace before heading off to the warehouse. I wasn't even talking because I was so engrossed in the new information I found out.

But, it all made sense.

I knew Firefly could notice my lack of engagement. I'll just have her come to my penthouse later today. We could cook food, snuggle, and do whatever she would like to do.

I ran a hand through my hair as I reached the warehouse. I was walking at a fast pace. "Marco, did you get her?" I asked him after I did all the security check-ins.

"Yes, she's in room 13." I nodded and made my way towards the room.

I pulled out my gun from the waistband of my jeans. I undid the safety before opening the door to meet the mastermind.

My eyes connected with hers. She was tied to the chair with ropes around her body but yet she was still looking at me with venom. Her mouth was taped so only her muffling could be heard.

"Well played, Karla." I ripped off the type from her face.

"Thank you." She snickered. "Took you, dumbasses, long enough to find out."

Just two days ago, we found out about the plan Russians had been planning. The reason they went underground. They were trying to get Karla to get insight information.

Everything made sense. The shipments going missing. Business going down. But, most importantly while in Santa Monica, Karla was trying to buy time while the Zogan's would go on and steal the shipments. She didn't want us to go back to San Diego. However, the plan failed as we found out.

That's why Karla joined school later into the school year. She wasn't even fucking eighteen. She was twenty-two years old.

"We will make sure to have your death just as long and painful."

"You poor little thing. You wouldn't be able to kill me even if you wanted." Karla snarled.

"I wouldn't because?"

"Once my family finds out they will fucking kill you all."

"Heard that before, anything new?" I rolled my eyes.

"Where's your sister?"

"Karla, don't you fucking go there." I put the gun to her forehead.

"Oh yeah, you had another sister." She laughed. "Where is she now? Oh right, six feet underground, dead." I clenched my jaw.

"You will regret every word you say," I warned her. "Why the fuck are you guys back?"

"To get our revenge." She narrowed her eyes.

"And, how's that going so far?" I cunningly laughed.

"Pretty good, actually." She spoke. "Why don't you answer my question, bitch? Where's your sister?"

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