chapter 11 | therapy

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My head was pounding as I walked around my room trying to find my phone. My two hands were placed on my head as I searched for my phone. I opened the purse that I took yesterday and found my phone.

I dialed my assistant.

"Good morning, Ma'am." Myla beamed.

"Morning," I said as I went to the bathroom. "I will be coming late to the office but please have the blueprints ready for Mr. Knights's place."

"Will do, Ma'am." I ended the call. I went to the toilet and threw up. I hadn't eaten the whole day yesterday and drinking alcohol on an empty stomach was not a good idea.

I flushed the toilet and hopped into the shower. I took a long shower. I got out of the shower and wrapped a fluffy towel around my body. I brushed my teeth and used mouthwash. I put on a white t-shirt and tugged it into my bra and wore loud pink straight pants. I wanted to stay comfortable in my clothes today. I left my hair hanging as it was wavy from the braids I did yesterday. I put on white shoes and went to my room.

I changed my phone case and put my old one back on

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I changed my phone case and put my old one back on. I picked up a white YSL shoulder bag and left my room.

"Hi, Momo." I cooed as she started snuggling to my legs as I went to the kitchen. I made myself a quick English breakfast. "Is Momo hungry?" I asked as I pulled out her cat food and poured it into her bowl. I refilled her water.

Once she started eating, I went to my mom's room and asked her if she was hungry. She said that she will come out shortly.

I quickly made another breakfast for my Momma and sat down on the little circle dining table near the floor-to-ceiling windows.

I drank my coffee as my mom came slowly. She sat down and I handed her the plate of her food.

"It's delicious." She complimented.

"Thanks, Momma." I yawned.

I started eating my food as I watched the city from the window. "How's work?"

"Busy." I sighed. "I took the deal Chase gave me."

"Why?" She asked.

"It was a great offer and I might've been kinda drunk when he asked." I exposed. "But, you didn't raise any quitter." I laughed.

"Be careful, baby."

"I know, history won't repeat itself this time." I glanced at the window again. I won't let him take advantage of me again. "I have to go Momma." I got up from the table once I finished eating.

"Bye." She said when I put my dishes in the sink.

"The nurse is probably on her way," I said as I picked up my phone and purse. "Bye." I yelled as I stepped into the elevator.

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