Chapter 2: Little Devil Reincarnation

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The first week passed by smoothly. The jocks did indeed seem to leave Skaii alone. Skaii and Melody became as close as they were when they were kids, even though Skaii did feel left out with Melody being at the club every evening. She wanted to be able to walk home with her best friend but the club made that impossible. Melody had said she would try to get her in so they could be together more but so far there hadn't been any luck.

Over the weekend, Melody came to stay at Skaii's house to make up for the lost time and catch up with Skaii's parents who were as thrilled as Skaii to hear of Melody's recovery. On Monday, the Mythology Club went away on a research trip in the afternoon, so Skaii didn't get as much time with Melody that day. At lunchtime, Skaii met a strange girl in the school courtyard. She was handing out flyers, she had pale skin and white hair with icy blue eyes, she also wore a casual outfit consisting of jeans, a plain shirt and a three-quarter leather jacket, she wasn't a student but had a green band around her wrist showing she was an authorised visitor. Skaii took one of the flyers, curious as to what it was. It had an intricate circular symbol on the front and on the back was written 'Your Wish Granted' Skaii felt confused by the odd piece of paper, there were no advertisements or phone numbers or any obvious reason for the flyer to exist. But Skaii liked the pattern, so tucked it into her pocket and carried on with her day.

Come home time, she headed for the gate as normal but she saw the jocks that assaulted her before. They noticed her too and one of them pointed before walking over, now realising she wasn't in the Mythology Club. Skaii quickly backed away, heading back inside the school to hide. The jocks chased after her splitting up to try and corner her. Skaii, not knowing the school layout well enough, ended up being chased to the rooftop. Scared and with nowhere else to go, she hid behind some bins near the door. A moment later the jocks came through the door to the roof.

"We know you're up here little girl," The first jock said, as the second one blocked the door with a dusty old mop. Skaii made herself as small as possible so that she'd be harder to see, hoping that someone would come to help her.

"Come out and play with us," The second jock said.

"We'll be nice to you, if you're nice to us," The first jock said.

"Reeeeaaal nice" The second added with a snicker.

Skaii stayed quiet, wishing hard for someone to come to her aid. The jocks looked around the rooftop, even over the edges in case she was desperate enough to try climbing down. But, there aren't that many places to look so they soon turned to the bins.

"Hiding with the garbage isn't gonna keep us from you," The first jock said as he moved closer to Skaii's hiding place.

"Yeah, although it's a good disguise for you," The second smirked. Once they got close enough, she pushed the bins onto them and made a break for the door, but she struggled to get the mop away from the door. The second jock got knocked down but the first just managed to move out of the way and grabbed her. He lifted her up by her arms and held them behind her back. Skaii kicked, thrashed and screamed, wishing desperately for help now. The second jock got back to his feet before he headed over and wrestled her to the ground with the first jock's help. Skaii had no way to fight back, she just struggled to delay the inevitable as they started trying to get her clothes off again. Tears began to well in Skaii's eyes, her mind turned to the last time the jocks had attacked her, how Jacy from the Mythology Club had come to rescue her. As she struggled the flyer fell from her pocket onto the ground. She fantasised about Jacy rescuing her again, she wished he would appear from nowhere to get rid of the jocks. The pattern on the flyer started glowing and the circles started to rotate around like gears. The symbol grew in size and turned the jocks' attention to it, but they still kept Skaii pinned with her skirt pushed up to her panties and blouse missing a couple of buttons.

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