Chapter 12: After the Party

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A few hours passed and Alyssa had gone to bed too. Misty had taken the Twins upstairs to bed leaving only Jacy and Skaii downstairs sitting together on the sofa, cuddled up. Skaii smiled at Jacy.

"Well, it's definitely been an eventful day," She said and giggled a little.

"Can't deny that" He smiled. "A good one overall though," He said happily. She smiled again and rested her head on his shoulder.

"It's been a very good day," She said, blushing shyly. Jacy put his arm around her and squeezed. Skaii shyly hugged him back. He leaned in to kiss her, she met him halfway and kissed him happily. He slipped his tongue in straight away this time. She blushed bright pink, surprised but kissed back happily, Misty came in wearing her pyjamas.

"Hey Jac-" she suddenly realised what she'd walked in on. "Oh err... sorry to interrupt," She said. Skaii pulled away, jumping in surprise and blushing red. Jacy sighed.

"What is it?" He asked, slightly irritated.

"I know we're supposed to be off but there's a summon request for Melody, I'd ignore it but... it's been made three times. Melody's out of it though so I was wondering if Skaii would mind going to it" Misty explained.

"A-are you sure that's okay?" Skaii asked anxiously. Misty nodded.

"If you're okay to go. If the client would rather have Melody then just explain that she's unavailable and they'll have to try again tomorrow" She said.

"I'll explain the situation and give them the choice there and then," Skaii said and smiled.

"Thank you, and sorry for disturbing you. I'm sure my brother will reward you when you get back" Misty said with a giggle.

"However she wants" He winked at her. She blushed again and teleported out, following the crest.

She appeared in a bedroom, there was no one in it right away. Looking around she saw a boy's uniform from her school, it was fairly big. There was a set of weights in the corner of the room as well as a gym kit, and the flyer that had summoned her was on the bedside table. Ink marks were bleeding through from the back indicating something was written on the other side. She went over and picked it up. She turned it over to find that on the back was 'Wish for her' in Skaii's handwriting. Skaii smiled now knowing exactly who had summoned her. Presumably, the request for Melody to answer the summon was because Remus had been following Skaii's instructions. Right then he came into the room and stopped dead when he saw her.

"Who? What?" he stammered,

"Sorry if I startled you, I was called here through one of our flyers. I'm a Devil and I've come here to help you" Skaii said, holding back her grin at the fact he'd made the wish.

"A Devil? Like from Hell, a Devil?" he asked, somewhat stunned Skaii nodded.

"Yeah, but I'm really nice I promise. Things people say about Devils are usually bad, but we help people. Most of the things that are said are stereotypes" she explained smiling "So how can I help?"

"Help? How, how did you know I wanted something? You... mentioned a flyer?" he asked bemused, Skaii picked up the flyer from his table.

"These flyers," She said.

"I found that in my locker, someone must've put it in there. Someone wrote on the back... I was looking at it earlier, whilst..." He trailed off.

"Whilst?" Skaii's Devil's Voice echoed to coax him.

"I was... thinking about a girl I like. She goes to my school but she's really shy and I'm not really sure how to approach her. Is that the kind of thing you could help with?" He asked. Skaii nodded barely containing her excitement.

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