Chapter 9: Little Devil's Sacrifice

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The room she appeared in was messy and dark, someone was hiding under a table. They shifted nervously as Skaii showed up. They were a young girl hiding under the table, she was around eighteen years old, they had long curly black hair and looked terrified. Skaii slowly and quietly approaches her.

"What happened here?" Skaii asked softly but the girl was too scared to reply. "Please, I think my friend is in danger, I promise I won't hurt you," Skaii said using her Devil's Voice.

"... H-he's..." The girl stammered with fear.

"He who?" Skaii asked.

"He... he's still here..." She warned and shuffled further under the table.

"I can get you to safety," Skaii said. The girl looked scared again and backed up further.

"I won't hurt you, I promise," Skaii said, trying to coax her.

"Oh, it's not you that she's scared of," A frighteningly familiar voice said from behind her. Skaii spun around and jumped back in surprise and fear.

"Miss me?" He grinned, not giving her time to act or respond, he hit her over the head, knocking her out.

When Skaii woke, she was blinded by an immense light. Her senses returned slowly, she first became aware of a searing pain across her entire body, next she realised someone had stripped her of all her clothes and was completely naked. Skaii was terrified, cold and in pain. She tried to cover herself but then found that she was chained up and suspended in the air. Her arms were crossed above her head chained at the wrists, even her legs were spread slightly by taut chains. Skaii tried to stay calm and analyze the situation. The light made it hard to see anything but she did notice another presence nearby.

"Melody? Melody are you here?" Skaii called out worriedly.

"Sha... rel... la..." Melody's voice panted. Skaii could sense how hurt Melody was. Skaii tried to cast a spell to ease Melody's suffering, she also tried calling for help with the crest but in a split second, she could barely focus, as though burning claws were being raked through her brain. Skaii took deep breaths and tried hard to concentrate with her telepathy.

"Help!" she managed to think but Melody weakly interrupted her,

"St-stop... you'll... you'll just wear... wear yourself out... this is... it's a holy... holy light..." Melody said with difficulty. Skaii felt herself growing weaker and knew that Melody was right, she closed her eyes trying to save all her strength.

"We... we can't... do... anything in... in this... there's, Haaa... no way.... We can... can concentrate.... enough..." Melody said.

"It'll... be... okay, just stay.. strong" Skaii said, her strength starting to wane. The light dimmed, enough for them to see but not enough to stop the pain. Skaii saw Melody was in the same state as her: chained up, naked and exposed. She could also see that they were both hung a good few feet up in the air. Viktor walked in below them.

"Well then, you're awake" He smirked. Skaii said nothing, not giving him the satisfaction, glaring at him instead. Viktor smirked again.

"Stay quiet if you want, I'll just enjoy the view from down here," he said and made it obvious he was looking between Skaii's legs, she blushed pink, embarrassed.

"Just let us go. Melody hasn't done anything wrong!" Skaii called out. A new voice sounded from a balcony above them.

"You're Devils," it was a smooth, measured voice but tinged with malice.

"But we don't do anything wrong, we're not strays. We were turned because we were dying, we don't harm anyone" Skaii pointed out defiantly.

"Ha! Devils are nothing more than parasites feeding on humans and just because you were human once doesn't mean you're not monsters now," The voice said venomously.

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