Chapter 33: Depression and Joy

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The whole house was standing around in a circle waiting. Melody ran up to them,

"SKAII!" She cried, tears filling her eyes, "are you okay?" Skaii clung to Jacy, concerned about the state she's in.

"I-I am now..." she croaked, Jacy held her close,

"You're safe now" he kissed her forehead and carried her upstairs to their room.

"I-I need a bath... please... Sit with me?" she begged with sad eyes.

"I'm not leaving you alone in this state" Jacy vowed, the sounds of running water came from the bathroom "not even for a second" Skaii was too weak to heal herself right away, her Evil Piece was still stripped of its power, although she could already feel the demonic power of the Underworld restoring her.

"T-thank you," she muttered, clearly still shaken. Jacy laid her on the bed while the bath ran and held her hand. She squeezed firmly, making sure that he was still there.

"It was all him..." Jacy said "the Astoras had been manipulated, Ajax Astora the head of the house was under complete control, he twisted the others into the debate. Viktor knew it'd draw me and Misty away from you"

"I thought it was too convenient... H-He was manipulating my body, remember I told you I felt funny... It was all him..." Jacy shook his head,

"I'm sorry," he said, Skaii shook her head,

"It's not your fault... I'm so sorry..." she sobbed "He controlled my body, I couldn't resist, he made me do things..." Jacy put a finger on her lips,

"I don't blame you for that... he was astonishingly powerful. It took all eight of us as well as fourteen soul crystals to break into his dimension let alone even find the damn thing," Jacy explained, "he'd become an exceedingly rare demon, a Vengasuul. They form when hatred overflows from a dying soul. They have no true form and cannot walk in Heaven, Hell or Earth but reach out into those worlds from their own pocket dimension, the form they take and the physics of their dimension are totally to suit their will. Which since they're born from hatred means they attack they focus of their anger" Skaii shuddered

"H-he was going to keep me there... never ending. I even passed out... He kept going... beat me..." the tortures poured out and she pointed to her face and breasts showing him all the cuts and red marks. He stroked her hair,

"It's okay, he's gone now" he assured

"I just feel so... Dirty..." she despaired, Jacy stopped the water and picked her up. He took her through to the bathroom and gently lowered her into the water. She yelped as the water hit all her sore spots, she washed herself slowly flinching with pain, desperately getting rid of any blood or other substance on her body. Once she was done Jacy summoned his gauntlet and waved it over the water, it cleared then started to fizz, turning rosey pink. The water soothed her sore spots somewhat and she was able to cheer up a little and timidly kissed Jacy on the cheek. He stayed with her until she was ready to get out. When she climbed out of the water she felt a little better and some of her magic had returned, enough that she was able to heal herself, managing to repair all of the scratches and any other intimate damage. She changed into a pair of fluffy pyjamas, leaving her hair to dry naturally, feeling better but still drained of magic and energy. Jacy held her hand and walked her back through to the bedroom and settled her into bed. Skaii's tummy made a loud rumbling sound.

"Misty, can you bring Skaii something to eat, make it a nice big meal. I think she needs it," Jacy spoke to Misty with telepathy. Skaii suddenly felt sick thinking about it. She may not have eaten during the time she was there, but she had been forced to consume copious amounts of Viktors fluid. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom again. She threw herself over the toilet and violently threw up, tears running down her face from the strain. Jacy followed her and rubbed her back knowing hopelessly that there was little comfort he could give her,

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