Chapter 22: Welcome Kamalia

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The next morning, Jacy was already up when Skaii slowly crawled out of bed to get dressed. She chose a pink skater dress that had a sweetheart neckline. The top was lace patterned with cap sleeves and the skirt is frilly. She paired it with some frilly knee high white socks, brushed her hair and tied half of it up into two mini buns and put on natural looking makeup. Jacy was wearing a pair of black jeans and a T-shirt with a wolf's head design on it, and some plain black socks before heading for the door, waiting for Skaii. They headed downstairs and into the living room. Alyssa was sitting on the sofa, the Twins were doodling. Misty was in the kitchen, still in a bathrobe, getting food and Melody, Remus and Kamalia were still in bed. Skaii went to the kitchen and got some breakfast.

"Morning Misty," Jacy said

"Morning," Misty yawned, "wonder how long the others will sleep in"

"Eh, let Kamalia sleep, she probably hasn't had much for a while" Jacy said, "As for Remus and Melody, depends what they might be up to I guess," he got some food and went to sit in the living room. Alyssa had a grumpy look on her face and her arms crossed.

"Why'd you put the dog next to me," she spat as soon as Jacy sat down. Skaii sat next to him,

"Don't be like that," she said, "I'm sure she's really nice..." Alyssa didn't respond.

"It was the only room that's set up," Jacy said, "and she's not going anywhere Alyssa, you need to get used to her" While they were eating, the others came down for breakfast, Melody and Remus were dressed while Kamalia was still in pyjamas.

"Morning," Melody said cheerfully.

"Good morning" Skaii smiled. Kamalia was still quiet and nervous, she looked around the kitchen for food, too shy to ask for help. Skaii got up and went to her, pouring her a bowl of cereal.

"Here you go," she said, pushing the bowl along the counter to her, she cautiously took it.

"Tha... thank you" She sat at the kitchen table to eat, glancing over to Alyssa every so often. Skaii thought it best that they work it out on their own, having already tried speaking to Alyssa about it. Jacy came into the kitchen and to Kamalia, "Morning Kamalia," he said, "did you sleep okay?"

"Um... yes sir..." She said formally, "it was very comfortable" Jacy chuckled.

"You don't need to call me Sir, my name is Jacy, we're a family here," Kamalia smiled slightly.

"O-okay..." she said timidly.

"After breakfast, would you be okay to show everyone what you can do?" He asked, she started fiddling with her moon necklace.

"Umm, sure... I can do that..." She said in a somewhat differently nervous tone.

"Don't worry, between Alyssa and the Twins you'll look normal," he smirked lightheartedly.

Once everyone had finished eating, Misty took Kamalia upstairs to find her some clothes. She came back wearing a white crop top and three-quarter denim jacket, shorts with studded black biker boots and red fishnet tights. Alyssa looked out of the corner of her eye, seeing the outfit she'd picked out, Jacy and the others were sitting in the living room waiting.

"Ah, right then, let's head outside and you can all see what our new friend can do" He said and led Kamalia out towards the garden. The rest of them followed, although Alyssa stayed a distance away from Kamalia. Outside, after a moment waiting for everyone, Kamalia fiddled with her necklace again.

"U-umm, just... stand back everyone..." she said nervously and started undressing herself, which she seemed oddly comfortable doing while the others tried not to look as she stripped off. Now standing naked, she closed her eyes for a moment, when she opened them her eyes had gone from purple to green. Her breathing became heavy panting, her teeth began to grow sharper and her mouth started growing out into a wolf-like snout, her nose became black and leathery. Her whole body started growing more muscular and generally bigger. Skaii watched in mild shock as Kamalia's long snowy white hair began to fall out turning to dust before it hit the ground and her body started to darken which a brief moment later was shown to be black fur growing out of her skin. Her nails grew longer and sharper, becoming claws. A tail started to grow out from the base of her spine and her ears grew larger and became almost triangular in shape. After a minute her transformation was complete, she reeled back and howled now in the form of a large, jet black Werewolf. Despite her appearance though, she was totally docile and seemed in her own mind. Skaii stared, speechless but Jacy walked up to her and she dipped her head submissively. Jacy gently petted her between her ears.

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