Chapter 19: The Challenge

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The next morning in Jacy and Skaii's room, Jacy woke up first but stayed still so Skaii could sleep longer. He gently cuddled and stroked her hair. She snuggled in her sleep, waking up about half an hour later.

"Morning Little Devil," Jacy said and smiled as Skaii yawned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"Good morning," She yawned, her voice was still sleepy.

"How're you feeling? Your shoulder okay?" He asked rubbing the shoulder Simon had impaled the previous day.

"Mhm," she nodded, "I'm just a little stiff I think, are you okay?" She asked thoughtfully, going a little shy.

"I'm alright, I was just worried about you" He said and kissed her softly, Skaii blushed at his words and timidly kissed back. Jacy smiled and kissed her again and again, enjoying the intimacy while no one else was around. Skaii started getting fuzzy butterflies in her stomach as Jacy brushed her hair behind her ear.

"I love you," he said, "I'm happy Melody told me about you"

"I love you too" Skaii smiled happily. Jacy ran his hand down her neck and to her shoulder, he tugged at her pyjamas playfully. Skaii shyly pulled her top down a little, letting him inspect her shoulder. The wound had closed and in its place was a purple bruise.

"That'll be fine, it should fade in a day or two," he said, Skaii nodded and gave a small smile.

"It doesn't hurt as much now," she assured.

"That's good," he said, "but I'm happy to help take your mind off it." He winked and moved his hand across the top of her chest. Skaii blushed shyly and hid under the covers playfully. Jacy ducked under with her, as if chasing her.

"Don't you hide from me," he laughed playfully, Skaii giggled, still hiding. After a while, Jacy managed to climb on top of her, pinning her down.

"Gotcha!" He said triumphantly, Skaii giggled, having fun. She playfully stuck her tongue out and Jacy jumped at the chance and kissed her while her tongue was out. Skaii squeaked in surprise before shyly kissing back. Jacy kept her pinned and made out with her for a little, before breaking the kiss and moving down to kiss her neck, a soft moan escaped Skaii's lips.

"Your moans are so cute" Jacy said and kissed her neck again before lightly nibbling on it. Skaii moaned again playfully and a little louder. Jacy moved so he was holding both her wrists up with one hand and gently caressed her side, moving up when suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Oh for..." Jacy grumbled exasperatedly and let go of Skaii, getting up and heading for the door. Skaii hid under the covers shyly as he opened it to find Misty waiting on the other side. She spoke before the door was even fully open.

"We've got a problem..." Jacy's irritation vanished as soon as he saw Misty's face.

"What is it?" He asked, Misty hesitated for a moment, trying to find how to say it,

"You really aren't going to like it..." She said, "get dressed and come downstairs" Skaii fidgeted in the bed, peeking out from the covers. Misty looked at her,

"You need to come too..." She said,

"M-me too?" Skaii asked, a little confused.

"It'll be fine," Jacy said before Misty could elaborate, "We'll be down in a few minutes" He closed the door and got dressed into a shirt and jeans and put his trench coat on. Skaii got dressed into casual clothes, opting for dark skinny jeans and a pink T-shirt with lace detailing on the shoulders and frilly bottom. She tied her hair into a ponytail and followed Jacy. Before they left, he went over to her and hugged her.

Devil's HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora