Chapter 23: An Apology and an Invitation

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A few months passed by quietly, everyone got back to school and, come the end of the year, Skaii was top of her class in most subjects. Alyssa had gradually warmed up to Kamalia and, although she still called her Dog, she no longer glared at her from across the room and did occasionally talk to her for some degree of time. Remus had adjusted to his new life now, albeit slower than Skaii did. He and Jacy had started to get along well too, and often trained together. The Twins were no different and Misty had recently begun deeper research into Sacred Gears, the reappearance of Jacy's and it's apparent weakness when separate seemed to have piqued her curiosity. Now the school year was at an end and the Mythology Club was preparing to go back to the underworld for the summer.

"So what did you tell your parents about you being away all summer?" Jacy asked Skaii whilst packing up his desk.

"Two school trips for extra curricular to put on my CV" Skaii smiled,

"Good plan, I guess it means they won't question it," Jacy said. Suddenly Kamalia burst through the clubroom door backwards. She was shouting at someone in the hall outside,

"I've said no three times now, GO AWAY!" She yelled. Skaii rushed over

"What's going on!?" She asked

"It's Ryan Gibson again..." Kamalia said, referring to the boy in their year who had developed something of an obsession with her. "He still won't get it into his head I'm not interested in him"

"Ah, boy trouble, not my area of expertise" Skaii said,

"Come on Kami, gimme a chance here" Ryan begged.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT," Kamalia growled, Skaii noticed her eyes turning green as she struggled to rein in her werewolf side, which she had explained was heavily influenced by anger, "and listen carefully, I. Am. Not. Interested" Ryan looked at Skaii, thankfully not noticing Kamalia's eyes,

"You're her friend right? Can you talk her into giving me one chance?" He asked

"Sorry, she's taken," Skaii grabbed Kamalia's hand and pulled her inside, slamming the door in Ryan's face. Kamalia took a deep breath, her eyes returning to normal. She had become much better at controlling her Lycanthrope since being freed from Korman. She had practiced holding her wolf form and was now able to hold it several times longer before having to change back.

"Thanks..." She said, "I'm so sick of him, he's been hounding me for weeks."

"No worries, hopefully that gets him off your back" Skaii said.

"Hopefully... although he might think I'm dating you now..." Kamalia giggled.

"It should still get him off your back, don't worry" Skaii giggled back, Kamalia smiled back and went to sit down.

"Even if not he can hardly follow us downstairs," she said covertly in case Ryan was still listening outside. A few minutes later the Twins came in with Melody and Remus.

"Why'd you stick us with these two Jacy" Remus asked irritably,

"It was your turn" Jacy sniggered, "and hello bud nice to see you" he added in an overly perky tone,

"Yeah, yeah" Remus said dismissively, shooting a friendly smile. Skaii giggled,

"Hey, it's good practice," Skaii said, Melody blushed slightly.

"Satan help us all if they spawn something as bad as those two," Misty said, coming in from the other room.

"Hi Skaii," the Twins said, skipping up to her.

"Hi" Skaii greeted them.

"Hey Skaii" Belle said,

"Guess what" Glace continued,

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