Chapter 21: The Rating Game

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By the time Skaii woke up, early the next morning, Jacy was already up and getting dressed. He was wearing his trench coat, but had added leather padding, strapped to the shoulders and across his chest underneath the coat. Skaii got up slowly and then saw Jacy, not sure what she should wear.

"What should I wear to the Rating Game?" She asked.

"Something practical," he replied, summoning his gauntlet and flexing the fingers, "you don't want anything that's gonna be restrictive to your movement." Skaii looked through her wardrobe, taking out a flowy light pink skirt with frills at the bottom. She paired it with a black sleeveless top that had a pink heart on the chest, tucking it into the skirt. She put on a black studded leather Jacket, feeling like it would offer extra protection compared to a cardigan or coat, and opted for white frilly knee high socks over nude tights, and wore her black boots. She tied her hair into a bun so that it was out of the way, putting a large pink bow in the back. She did minimal make-up, black mascara, pink lip gloss and pink blush.

"Will this be okay?" She asked, Jacy looked her over and nodded,

"So long as you can move freely, you'll be good," he said and headed for the door with Skaii close behind. He took her downstairs where everyone else was gathering, only the Twins were missing.

"Once the Twins get here, we'll head straight out" Jacy said.

"O-okay" Skaii said anxiously. The Twins arrived a couple of minutes later, wearing what appeared to be matching pink onesies, although closer up it's clear they're made of stronger material.

"Ah good, there you are" Jacy said, the Twins skipped up hand in hand and smiled. Jacy summoned the crest and stepped onto it, once everyone else had done the same they teleported, reappearing in a large room with ornate marble pillars, it looked almost like a temple. Standing across the room from them were Korman and his house. They were dressed a little less skimpily but their attire still left little to the imagination. Carla was stood by Korman, her whip was trailing out on the floor and she was glaring across the room. On Korman's other side was a young looking teenage girl with long white hair, sand coloured skin and bold, almost glowing amethyst eyes. But despite their near luminosity, they seem dull and sad. She was wearing the same clothing as the others, but with the addition of a spiked collar and leash, as well as a curious necklace that looked to be adorned with a moon. Skaii felt sad for the girl, knowing that she must be Kamalia.

"Ah my new Little Devil, you'll be joi-ugh" Korman started, but Jacy interrupted him by casting a shadow spell, smacking him clean across the face.

"Only I call her that!" He snapped, Skaii clung to Jacy, while Korman straightened his jaw and went to retaliate.

"ENOUGH!" A new voice broke the silence and a new golden crest Skaii hadn't seen before appeared, and out of it rose the Student Council President and Vice-President. "Save it for the game," Kira said. Skaii's eyes widened in surprise and she stepped out into view a little.

"Kira? You're a devil too?" She asked in surprise, Kira looked over seeing Skaii, she nodded.

"As are the rest of the council..." She looked at Jacy next, "Jacy, I'm offended you didn't tell her... and where was my invite to your little party?" She made a pouty face then giggled.

"My apologies, Nico was there and I didn't think you'd want to see him"

"Oh Ew no... screw your dumb little party," Kira smirked. Jacy looked at Skaii,

"Kira is the reason we can get away with so much," he said, "although getting the old gym from her was like pulling a Sin from an Archangel" Skaii giggled.

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