Chapter 30: Creeping Feeling

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The next morning Jacy and Skaii woke up together

"Morning Little Devil" he said

"Good Morning Master" she replied playfully, he booped her nose before getting up and getting dressed. When Skaii sat up she felt a creeping tingling sensation in her stomach, it lasted only a moment before disappearing. She got up and got dressed, then once she'd finished the tingling returned feeling almost like it was spreading but it vanished just as quickly as before. She blushed, feeling strange. Jacy hugged her from behind,

"You okay" he asked, kissing her cheek,

"I just feel a little strange..." she replied

"How so?" he asked concerned

"I've got a weird feeling in my tummy... but it goes away just as quick as it comes on..." she explained "Maybe I caught a bug?"

"Hmm... unlikely, Devils don't really get ill. You could've eaten something funny at the party maybe." he suggested "See how you go, I'm sure it'll pass" Skaii nodded and they headed downstairs for breakfast.

The day was fairly quiet, save for the Twins' usual antics, until the afternoon when the Woolsey crest appeared in the living room but no one had called for it.

"What the..." Jacy said as the red glow filled the room. Skaii got up from her seat, surprised.

"What's going on?" she said, A Devil wearing a well kept suit appeared from the crest, he was tall and thin with short brown hair and dark blue, almost black, eyes.

"Uncle Osiris?" Misty said

"Jacy, Misty..." Osiris said urgently "you need to come with me, your parents are in a dispute with the Astora house and they need the whole family to discuss the resolution,"

"What? What's happened?" Jacy asked walking over to him,

"They'll explain it all there but we need to get going." he looked around at the others "I'm afraid your servants must remain here, if you brought them it might aggravate things" Jacy turned to Skaii, she nodded, disappointed but understanding. He hugged her,

"Hopefully I won't be too long" he kissed her "I love you"

"I-I'll miss you..." she said quietly,

"I'll miss you too" he held her hands a moment longer before he let go and headed for the crest with Misty. Skaii waved goodbye as they teleported out. The Twins came up next to her one on either side and held her hands, they seemed almost as sad seeing Jacy leave as she was after all he was like a father to them.

"You okay Skaii?" Melody asked, Skaii nodded.

"I just... We haven't been apart for so long now... And I don't even know how long he's going to be gone for. The fact that I can't even go with him, it hurts" Melody came over and hugged her, Skaii hugged back, tearing up a little before quickly composing herself.

"So... I guess we just relax here and wait for them to come back?" Melody said,

"Yeah, but what do we do?" Belle asked

"Jacy and Misty have never left together before," Glace pointed out.

"Who's in charge?" Belle finished,

"I guess that would be either me or Melody," Skaii said.

"I guess... It's so weird" Melody said, Skaii's tingling came back getting a little stronger.

"I-I think I need to lie down... I don't feel so good..." The strange sensations coming and going made her a bit dizzy and sick. She headed up to Jacy's room slowly. Melody followed her making sure she was okay.

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