Chapter 25: That Night

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"Kami? You in here?" A usually scornful voice called through Kamalia's bedroom door. It opened and Alyssa poked her head around.

"Over here Aly" Kamalia called from her bed, Alyssa came over smiling and blushing a little, she was acting very strangely, unusually docile and nervous.

"Sorry for disturbing you, I just... I needed to talk to you," she said,

"You can tell me anything" Kamalia smiled shyly,

"Um... it's kind of... a little awkward for me but..." Alyssa stepped closer "I... I lo-... Mmf," she leaned in and kissed Kamalia, only briefly, just to show her what she didn't know how to say. Kamalia blushed wildly, stunned at first before joy welled up. Alyssa relaxed a little and kissed her again, after a moment she broke off and stepped back a little.

"So..." she said

"W-what happens now?" Kamalia asked timidly.

"Well... I guess we're... urrggh" Alyssa was cut off as she coughed blood. A bloodied wooden spike burst through her chest.

"ALYSSA!" Kamalia screamed as Alyssa dropped heavily to her knees, her skin went paler, then white, then grey, even her blood red eyes started losing colour.

"K... Kami I..." She reached up to her but eyes went grey and she turned to dust, leaving only her clothes and vampiric ashes behind. Kamalia fell to her knees, sobbing and clutching Alyssa's dress.

"Oh quit crying mutt," A familiar and hated voice broke through her grieving sobs, "you weren't meant to have her anyway. And you're in big trouble for running away from me" Kamalia stumbled to her feet in horror, backing away from Korman. "You know what that means, don't you traitorous mutt... CARLA!" Carla came in wearing her skin tight leather bodysuit, her whip in hand glowing with a fire spell.

"The mutt needs her punishment... make it harsh" Carla smiled wickedly, she raised her whip, ready to strike. Kamalia tried to run away, desperate to escape but when she ran through the door, she found herself back in her room again. Carla brought the whip down right across Kamalia's face.

Kamalia jolted awake screaming, flustered, cold sweat dripping from her forehead and panting heavily. Panicked, she rushed over to Alyssa's room as it was right next door and she was worried about her. She carefully entered the room, seeing Alyssa asleep in bed, her chest rising and falling steadily with deep sleep.

"A-Alyssa?" Kamalia whispered creeping closer. Alyssa's pyjamas were little more than a short dark red crop top and matching shorts. Scared and lonely, Kamalia shyly crawled into bed with her. Alyssa stirred a little but didn't wake, so Kamalia was able to slowly fall asleep next to her.

The next morning, Kamalia was woken by Alyssa's realisation that she was there.

"Urrrrrrrghh What the fuck!" She screeched. "Why are you in my room Dog!" Kamalia sat bolt upright.

"I-I'm sorry..." She said sleepily and shyly, "I... I had a bad dream," tears started to well just thinking about it and she shuddered.

"So?" She hissed albeit quieter, "Why does that mean you can come in here... were you there all night?" She shoved Kamalia off the bed sending her tumbling heavily onto the floor. She got to her knees, adopting her submissive manor.

"I-I couldn't go to anyone else's room..." She explained, "yours was the closest and... It felt so real... I... I dreamt..."

"Spit it out you mongrel" Alyssa scowled

"K-Korman... he came to take me back... and he kil-" she stopped herself not wanting to antagonise Alyssa further by telling her that she was in the dream, "he had Carla torture me..."

"Ugh... that Asshole..." Alyssa said, calming down a little, "alright I guess, I can kinda understand you being upset about that..." She scowled at her, "But don't ever do it again, I don't need your Dog cooties" Kamalia nodded timidly, "So... what made you think of him...? you've been with us a few months... it's not like he's been around" Alyssa asked, making some kind of effort to be nice, but her tone seemed disinterested.

"I-I don't know..." Kamalia admitted, "I guess I'm scared that he'll come back for me..."

"He's not allowed here, besides Jacy doesn't give up on his pieces..." Alyssa said then muttered, "so I'm stuck with you" Kamalia didn't say anything, disheartened by her attitude but then when Alyssa went to her wardrobe to pick out her usual outfit, Kamalia noticed that the scarf she'd given her was hung up in pride of place on the door around the top of the full length mirror rather than stuffed in a drawer. She smiled a little and went back to her own room.

"T-thank you," she said before leaving, and went to get dressed.

"Yeah, sure... bye dog" Alyssa said, glancing after her.

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