26 ✔︎Back to Reality

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"I'd like to start off by saying I am very proud of you both for making it this far. The work you are both doing is quite intensive and demanding, and neither of you have shied away from this process, which lets me know that you will make it to the end when the time comes," Dr. K shared with an encouraging smile once Blake and I had both arrived.

I wanted to touch Jubilee in this moment of what I considered to be celebration, but chose not to in case it would startle her like my kiss to her forehead did yesterday. I was still guessing in this trial separation.

"Thank you for that, Dr. K. I think I can speak for both Jubilee and I when I say that we appreciate you helping us through this process. It's been hard on us, but we want the reward, so we are willing to put in the work," I shared, stealing a glance at Jubilee in hopes that she was in agreement.

"I couldn't agree more. I'm not going to lie and say I'm not scared, but I'm also motivated by Blake being here and how your expertise has clearly already helped us both, Dr. K," Jubilee shared with a small smile.

"Well that's great to hear from both of you! And, Jubilee has given us the perfect segue to getting started. What are you afraid of, Jubilee?" Dr. K. asked.

Jubilee looked down and fiddled with her fingers, a stance I knew all too well when sitting in front of Dr. K.

"I'm scared that Blake and I's love won't be enough to overcome everything I've done."

"Baby...our love isn't enough," I whispered, surprising myself as the words tumbled out, "Dr. K helped me see that."

I could see the tension build in Jubilee's body language and her eyes widen in shock. I hated to make her feel any sense of defeat or disappointment, but Dr. K. had helped me see that I could not withhold my honesty just to avoid shattering the fantasy of love Jubilee has created to protect her heart from another Trenton.

"And there's nothing wrong with that being the case. It is the case for all relationships. Those within them must make choices every day to overcome life's challenges and disappointments, let alone the trouble we bring to it through our decision-making," Dr. K added as she attempted to calm what looked like a very disturbed Jubilee.

"In other words, you don't have to be afraid, baby. We are choosing to work through all that's happened between us. It's our choices. Our commitment to making our relationship a safe and healthy space for us both that will lead to our longevity," I explained, reaching for Jubilee's hand that trembled.

I exhaled the breath I didn't know I was holding when Jubilee's trembling stopped, and she gripped my hand tightly as if she were hanging on for dear life.

"I had something else planned for our first session, but I think this activity is better suited in response to how we've started. In your journals, write three things you expected from your partner that your partner did not deliver on over the course of your relationship. I'll give you 5 minutes to write."

Damn, Dr. K, we ain't even warm up though...I internally groaned, releasing Jubilee's hand to start writing. The road to recovery is more challenging than getting in game shape. I sighed and began writing. What doc is asking for has been brewing in our one-on-one sessions anyway, I'm just nervous to make them real by saying them out loud.

"Alright, your five minutes is up. Jubilee, why don't you start. Say all 3 of yours, and then Blake follow right after."

I heard Jubilee sigh and noticed that she still was sitting up straight as stiff as a board. I wished I could decrease the tension she was holding onto, but I guess that's why we were here.

The Consequence ✔︎ Blake GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now