29 ✔︎Stand the Rain II

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I dedicate this chapter to fwdest!! I soooo appreciate the love you've shown this story and the way you stuck with it through the good times and the bad! 🥺😭🙌🏾 I hope you enjoy this chapter! 💜🤎


"Babe, you're cutting off circulation," I whispered in slight concern.

I loved that Jubilee and I were in a good enough place that she felt like she could cling to me in this moment of overwhelm, but I was also worried about her current emotional state. I couldn't wait for the time in our lives when there's not something threatening our peace every single day.

We were surrounded by phones ringing off the hook, frustrated people approaching the front desk, and doors constantly opening and closing as names were called. While we waited to be called back for questioning at the Hawaii Police Department, Jubilee and I sat in silence, and she was squeezing the life out of my hand, which I guess is a realistic preview for what going through labor is going to be like...

"I'm sorry, Blake, I'm just...I don't know," Jubilee stuttered as she searched for the words to describe how she was feeling before releasing her grip on my left hand, "More than anything I'm worried about you. You already put him in a coma, what if they try to build a case against you?"

I sighed, wishing I could pull Jubilee into my lap and soothe her without making a scene. She didn't need to know that I was worried about her as well. I had an airtight alibi that Dr. K. could confirm. All Jubilee had was a phone call with her mother, and she was the one who Trenton actually stalked and abused. Her motive to kill was stronger than anyone else's.

"Don't worry about me, baby. I have an alibi. I was in my session with Dr. K. I'm going to be fine. We're going to be fine. We just have to be honest like we've been all along. Agreeing to do this with my lawyer just over the phone should be an adequate enough sign of good faith as well," I explained, kissing Jubilee's forehead and attempting to reassure her the best I could.

"Blake Griffin and Jubilee Carlisle? We're ready for you. Right this way, please," the officer at the front desk clipped before motioning toward the door.


I finished before Jubilee, and my stomach was in knots waiting for her to emerge from the back of the police department.

The interrogation was short once they called Dr. K. to confirm my alibi. I was told to stay in Hawaii while they finished up their investigation in case we needed to be called on again. The expected scare tactic of showing a picture of a dead Trenton in his hospital bed with an ashen face was chilling, but strangely, it didn't faze me much because I was just grateful that I wasn't responsible for his death.

Now that I wasn't harboring anger and resentment in my heart for this entire situation, I felt free. And I would never want the bondage of having to accept that I took a person's life -- which makes me feel even worse about the comments I made to Jubilee about her mental state after she was relieved that Michael was alive. A phone call from the police department interrupted my chance to apologize for that, but I would make sure to do so as soon as possible.

I stood as soon as I saw her walking toward me from the back with tear-streaked cheeks and a faraway look in her eyes.

"Oh baby, are you okay? What did they say?" I immediately asked, pulling Jubilee into my arms and embracing her body that was trembling like a leaf.

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