4✔︎Letters from Jubilee II

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I dedicate this chapter to -starrynite117 for encouraging me to write the way I want to deep down. And I also dedicate this chapter to eisseeking for letting me know that you missed this story because it motivated me to finish this two-part update that I'd been trying to finish for like an entire month! Haha I really appreciate both of y'all's loyalty and love of Jubilee and Blake's story! 😩😭☺️😍🙌🏾💖


"A family meeting?!" DeAndre exclaimed, his eyes wide with a tentative smile on his face like he was trying to decide if it were appropriate for him to be amused by the prospect of a family meeting during this stressful story I was telling.

"Hyland DeAndre Jordan, wipe that smirk off your face, this is not a laughing matter!" I fake scolded him as a smile broke out on my face as well.

I knew coming to see him was the best thing to do. How did he always know how to cheer me up in the worst of situations?

"I know, babe, I'm sorrrryy, I just can't imagine my boy, Blake, at a family meeting. He would be miserable even if he were happy, let alone while having to deal with this Jubilee situation," DeAndre explained.

At that I chuckled, I swear if Blake or DeAndre were a girl they'd be in a relationship. They know each other waaayyy too well.

"You are exactly right. As always, about the other half of your bromance," I replied with an eye roll, "We had to beg him to participate. Especially since my dad was openly showing his disappointment and anger in Blake because of Jubilee's absence. He came around though..."

Six Weeks Ago

I looked around at all the faces in our large family room in the basement. So many dejected and downcast looks that only reflected what I'm sure my face looked like as well. My dad paced in the back of the room behind the sectional that took up most of the space in the middle of the room while my mom sat quietly in the loveseat in the front, gripping her letter from Jubilee like it would fly away if she let go. Blake's parents, Tommy and Gail, sat beside each other on the sectional, their hands linked while Gail rubbed Blake's back who sat with his head in his hands, refusing to make eye contact with any of us. Beside Blake was his brother, Taylor, and his sister-in-law, Marieka, who was holding a sleeping Ford in her arms. And scattered around the room on the rest of the sectional, and in other recliners or on the floor were me, Jacqueline, Justice, Julius, and Jade.

We were waiting on Mom or Dad to start this meeting, but I wasn't sure Mom had collected herself enough to say anything, and Dad gave Blake one murderous look when he entered the room and hasn't looked up or joined Mom since. As much as I wanted to do this, I knew it was a bad idea. Guess it was on me to get this thing going, and hopefully in a positive direction. I took a deep breath and stood up, gathering my thoughts.

"So, we are all clearly here for one reason. We want Jubilee back. And I know we are all in pretty dark places about what's going on with her, myself included, but I think it's time we put aside our personal feelings about what should be happening or what should have happened and put our heads together to figure out what needs to happen going forward. Jubilee addressed letters to me, Mom, and Blake, and Mom and I thought it would be a good idea for us to share any important information from them. Plus, the letter addressed to Mom has notes for everyone in the family from Jubilee, so she wants to read those, too," I explained.

As I spoke, I noticed heads begin to rise and flickers of hope begin to show in the eyes of my family and Blake's. Blake and his family seemed to feel out of place despite the amicable relationship we had before everything that's happened the past couple months. It was amazing how Jubilee, just one person, could affect so many people's hearts. I sadly smiled to myself, realizing that that's what makes my baby sister and best friend so special. She loved everyone and just wants people to come together even at the expense of her own comfort and happiness.

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