10✔︎Make a Move

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I dedicate this chapter to ethansbbg21 who read and voted on every chapter of The Choice and then did the same for this book! And that doesn't even include all the other stories of mine you've read and voted on! It's the best feeling when a reader supports all your writing, so thank you so so much!


With each day that goes by without any sign of Trenton, things are beginning to feel more and more strange. His driver and my security guard continue to come around when I need them, but aside from the cryptic and short messages I receive from him, I have no idea what he's doing. It's been a couple weeks, and I haven't even seen him on Friday, which is when he normally comes. Of course, I can't say that I'm not thanking God every day that I don't have to deal with him, but it makes me feel like Trenton is planning something, and that when he returns, I need to either already have made my escape or make a plan to do so. I just need to figure out how to get away from this pesky security guard. Often he didn't reveal his location to me, but if I ever made any sudden movements, he'd appear out of the shadows, so I knew he was watching. Which is why I'd started going to my neighbors' house every day. It was too creepy staying in that house all by myself, knowing Trenton's security guard could be lurking.

"Ok, no, I called dibs on Jubilee's next OB appointment!" Ashlie urged, whining to me, Bri, and Lauren.

"Umm don't try it, Ashlie, I definitely was the first to ask when her next appointment was, so I could go!" Lauren spoke up as she entered the dining room and placed the bowl of spaghetti and fried chicken on the table that I requested.

The past two weeks have brought many question marks with Trenton, but I had found a new home with the four amazing women I know I'll call my friends for life. As I sat and listened to them argue over who would go with me to my next OB appointment tomorrow and appreciated the meal that included all the random cravings I requested, I sent a quick prayer of thanks up to God for still taking care of me even after my less than stellar choices.

"Why does everyone want to go to this appointment with me so bad?" I questioned in amusement while piling my plate high with two drumsticks, spaghetti, mashed potatoes, a sweet roll, and sautéed spinach (because Nurse Bri forced me).

"Girl, if you don't slow down! I know you have a mini Blake Griffin in you, but I see you eyeing the apple pie already, and there ain't a lick of room on that plate for that yet. And so help me, if I have to hold your hair one more time while you throw up!" Bri scolded me with a smirk.

I pouted and sighed dramatically, "But I'm hungrryyy!"

"You won't be this hungry even halfway through that plate, and then you'll be mad at us for letting you eat all of that, Miss, I've already gained ten pounds," Bri reminded me with a laugh and an eye roll.

"And this is why we need to go to your appointment with you, so we can know how to set your hardheaded self straight about Baby Griffin!" Lauren explained while elbowing me away from the delicious smelling chicken she made as she fixed her plate.

"Guyysss, stoooppp I'm doing fine!" I exclaimed, still whining like a child, wondering how they could possibly want to limit a pregnant woman's food intake.

"I can't wait for Blake to get to experience hungry and whiny Jubilee because it's rather enjoyable. Of course, I'm sure he'd use some additional tactics to calm her down," Ashlie teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

I chuckled while all the ladies laughed around me, but as soon as Ashlie's statement really hit me, I began to tear up.

"Oh no, no, JuJu, I didn't mean to upset you! Don't cry!" Ashlie exclaimed, scooting her chair closer to mine and wrapping her arms around my waist.

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